Lab Youtube channel
Selected press coverage
(2023) Solar-powered origami sensors deployed by drone IEEE Spectrum, Ars Technica
(2022) Biologically-inspired sensor suite for gnat-sized robots IEEE Spectrum, Nature Research Highlight, TechXplore
(2022) Cyborg Robotic Insects Washington Post
(2022) Applying Insect Intelligence to micro-robots UW Today, ME News
(2021) The Smellicopter is an obstacle-avoiding drone that uses a live moth antenna to seek out smells UW, Tech Crunch, Geekwire
(2020) ‘GoPro’ for beetles: engineers create a wireless robotic camera that can ride atop an insect CNN, NPR, BBC, IEEE Spectrum
(2020) Intro to Autonomous Robotics with the Crazyflie bitcraze blog
(2020) Meet the Autonomous Insect Robots That Will One Day Swarm the Skies Seeker
(2020) Land, air, and water surface locomotion on UW Robofly TechXplore
(2020) Laser-microfabricated electrohydrodynamic thruster Wired
(2019) Four-winged robot fly IEEE Spectrum
(2018) First liftoff of an untethered (wireless) robot fly Economist, Wired, IEEE Spectrum, Popular Science