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Civil Rights and Labor History Consortium / University of Washington

About the project

The Antiwar and Radical History - Pacific Northwest Project is based at the University of Washington in Seattle, and is a collaboration among faculty, graduate and undergraduate students, and community members. Funding for the project has been provided by the Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies at the University of Washington.


Director: James Gregory
Co-founder and Project Coordinator: Jessie Kindig
Associate Editors: Steve Beda, Maria Quintana
Initial web design: Peter Leonard


Contributors (Authors, Researchers, Interviewers, Producers):

Zoe Altaras | Steve Beda | Brian Casserly | Rutger Ceballos | Matt Dundas | Trevor Griffey | Jessie Kindig | Mike McCormick | Maria Quintana | Amanda Miller


Contributors (Oral Histories):

Py Bateman | Bill “Bix” Bichsel | Katharine “Kay” Bullitt | Megan Cornish | Aaron Dixon | Larry Gossett | Ivan King | Steve Ludwig | Bruce MacLean | Lyle Mercer | Dean Paton | Lyle Quasim | Randy Rowland | Kim Wahl | Barbara Winslow


Contributors (Photographs and Documents):

Megan Cornish | Joe Felsenstein | Steve Hudziak | Roger Lippman | Fred Lonidier | Steve Ludwig | Bruce MacLean


Library Partners:

Many photographs and documents appear with permission from private collections, but some appear courtesy of the Special Collections Division of the University of Washington Library and the Museum of History and Industry in Seattle. Our GI newspapers are part of an ongoing collaborative effort to collect underground GI press from the Northwest, involving the Library at the University of Washington, Tacoma; the Pacific Northwest Collection of the Tacoma Public Library; and the Microfilms and Newspapers Division at the Library of the University of Washington, Seattle. Special thanks to Justin Wadland, Jean Fisher, and Glenda Pearson from each respective institution.



Everything on this site is protected by the copyright laws of the United States and the Universal Copyright Convention. Photos, drawings, documents, timelines, reports, and articles are the property of the donors and authors and may not be reproduced. Oral histories and other materials are the property of the Pacific Northwest Antiwar and Radical History Project, and may not be reproduced without the written permission of the director or project coordinator of the Pacific Northwest Antiwar and Radical History Project. If any copyright owner objects to the use of any work appearing in these pages, notify us and we will promptly remove it.



Nothing on this site may be reproduced without the written permission of the director or project coordinator of the Antiwar and Radical History Project. This is an educational, non-commercial site. All materials on these pages (including all texts, images, descriptions, etc.) are for the personal and educational use of students, scholars, and the public. Any commercial use or publication of them without authorization is strictly prohibited.

Teachers and students are granted permission to print materials from this site for classroom use provided that the Pacific Northwest Antiwar and Radical History Project is properly credited.

Citing these pages:

Anything quoted from this site must credit “Antiwar and Radical History Project,” as well as the author, title, and web address. Here is the recommended citation form:

Author if available, article or page title, Pacific Northwest Antiwar and Radical History Project. Retrieved (date you retrieved the information) from (add the complete URL for the specific page).


c/o Professor James Gregory

History Department

University of Washington

Seattle, WA 98195-3560
