Bunchgrass Ridge

Ecology and restoration of conifer-invaded meadows:
Research and adaptive management

Home > Research > 2 Vegetation responses > 2B. Effects of tree age and species
2B. Effects of tree age and species
Study area
1. Conifer invasion
2. Vegetation responses Back to Conifer invasion
A. Effects of conifer encroachment
B. Effects of tree age & species
  Introduction & methods
> Results & conclusions
C. Seed bank composition
3. Gopher disturbance
4. Restoration experiment
Key findings
From the dissertation of
Ryan Haugo
Ryan Haugo
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Mixed effects on meadow species. Meadow species cover, but not richness, declined with tree age. However, the rate and magnitude of decline did not differ under lodgepole pine and grand fir (figure, right; Table, lower right).

Facilitation of forest species. Cover and richness of forest understory species increased steeply with tree age under grand fir, but not under pine (figure, right; Table, lower right).
Cover and richness of meadow and forest species
Effects of tree age and species on meadow and forest species. Negative values indicate lower cover (or richness) under tree canopies than in open meadow. Regression lines are shown for significant slopes. Where slopes differ between tree species, separate regressions are shown (forest species cover and richness).

Grand fir and lodgepole pine clearly differ in the degree to which they facilitate forest understory species. Differences in canopy architecture and foliar density lead to greater shading below grand fir.

Our methods and results suggest an approach to prioritizing tree removal as part of meadow restoration in this system: Removing grand fir of any age is a higher priority than removing pine.

More generally, our approach can be employed in other invaded systems to detect the tree species with the strongest effects, and the age at which these effects become apparent.

Tree effects on vegetation
Transition from meadow grasses to forest herbs under grand fir
Sharp transition from meadow grasses to forest herbs under a mature grand fir.

Levels of significance (p values) for predictors of the cover and richness of meadow and forest species.  
  Meadow species   Forest species
  Cover Richness   Cover Richness
Adjusted R2: 0.54 0.18   0.50 0.49
Full model (p): <0.001 0.005   <0.001 <0.001
  Age <0.001 0.15   <0.001 <0.001
  Species 0.40 0.31   0.006 0.005
  Age x species 0.19 0.93   <0.001 <0.001
Haugo, R. D., and C. B. Halpern. 2010.
Tree age and tree species shape positive and negative interactions in a montane meadow. Botany 88:488-499.
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