Bunchgrass Ridge

Ecology and restoration of conifer-invaded meadows:
Research and adaptive management

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Graduate students
working at HJA

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Students and staff contribute actively to research and learning at Bunchgrass Ridge. Here we acknowledge the many individuals who have undertaken graduate studies, pursued independent research or summer internships, or assisted with data collection for the restoration experiment. See Student research for a list of their projects.

On this page:
Graduate students
Undergraduate students
International students
High school students
Graduate students  
Jessica Celis
Jessica Celis
Oregon State U.
Ryan Haugo
Ryan Haugo
U. of Washington
Nicole Lang
Nicki Lang
U. of Washington
Janine Rice
Janine Rice
Oregon State U.
Undergraduate students  
Maddy Case
Maddy Case
Princeton U.
Nina Griffin
Nina Griffin
U. of Maine
Sheena Kaas
Sheena Kaas
Wash. State U.
Shan Kothari
Shan Kothari
Michigan State U.
Allyssa Kilanowski
Allyssa Kilanowski
St. Lawrence U.
Jessica Niederer
Jessica Niederer
Cornell U.
Kyle Smith
Kyle Smith
U. of Washington
International exchange students
Michael Frank 2003
Michael Frank
U. Appl. Sci.
Freising, Germany
Nicolas Kremer 2013
Nicolas Kremer
Bordeaux Sci. Agro
Gradignan, France
Marcus Koch 2003
Marcus Koch
U. Appl. Sci.
Freising, Germany
Ziyu Ma 2005
Ziyu Ma
Sichuan U.
Chengdu, China
Florian Steer 2004
Florian Steer
U. Appl. Sci.
Freising, Germany
Tina Volkl 2004
Tina Volkl
U. Appl. Sci.
Freising, Germany
Katrin Wendt 2004
Katrin Wendt
U. Appl. Sci.
Freising, Germany
High school students  
Liam Beckmann 2013
Liam Beckman
Sandy High School
Sarah Koe 2011
Sarah Koe
Catlin Gabel Sch.

Shannon Ritz 2013
Shannon Ritz
Sandy High School