Douglas S. Diekema, MD, MPH
Douglas S. Diekema, MD, MPH, is a Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Washington School of Medicine with adjunct appointments in the Departments of Bioethics & Humanities and Internal Medicine in the School of Medicine and the Department of Health Services in the School of Public Health. He is also an attending physician in the emergency department at Seattle Children’s Hospital and serves as Director of Education for the Treuman Katz Center for Pediatric Bioethics at Seattle Children’s Research Institute. He has been a member of the Seattle Children’s Hospital ethics committee since 1991, served as an ethics consultant for 26 years, has been chairperson of the institutional review board since 2000, and founded the Center for Pediatric Bioethics at Seattle Children’s in 2004. He is past-Chair of the Committee on Bioethics of the American Academy of Pediatrics and a past Board member of the American Society for Bioethics & Humanities. He currently serves as Chair of the Secretary’s Advisory Committee for Human Subjects Protections (SACHRP) in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and as a member of the FDA’s Pediatric Advisory Committee.
Dr. Diekema received his MD from the University of North Carolina School of Medicine and his MPH from the University of Washington School of Public Health. He completed his residency at the University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics in Madison and his fellowship in pediatric emergency medicine at Seattle Children’s Hospital. He is an elected Fellow of the Hastings Center and was honored by the American Academy of Pediatrics as the 2014 recipient of the William G. Bartholome Award for Ethical Excellence.
Dr. Diekema’s teaching responsibilities include education in the emergency department, monthly pediatric ethics conferences and several education committees. He serves as co-director for the fellowship in pediatric bioethics. He has been a visiting professor throughout the WAMI region (Washington, Alaska, Montana, Idaho). He is nationally sought after as a lecturer. He has numerous local and national committee responsibilities, as well as an extensive bibliography. His research interests include pediatric bioethics and pediatric wilderness medicine.
Dr. Diekema’s research interests in include clinical and research ethics related to children and public health ethics. In addition to numerous scholarly publications in bioethics and pediatric emergency medicine, Dr. Doug Diekema's bibliography includes Clinical Ethics in Pediatrics: A Case-Based Textbook, Cambridge University Press, 2011.
Douglas S. Diekema, MD, MPH
Manuscripts in Refereed Journals:
- Diekema DS. On the Importance of Small Things. North Carolina Medical Journal 1985; 46: 535-36.
- Diekema DS. Yet Still There is Hell: Damnation and Hell in C.S. Lewis. The Cresset 1986; 49: 15-19.
- Diekema DS. Jacob. North Carolina Medical Journal 1986; 47: 133. PMID: 3457284
- Diekema DS. Abortion and the Language of Morality. Christian Scholars Review 1987; 17: 171-88.
- Diekema DS. Jesse's Escape. Wisconsin Medical Journal 1988; 87 : 23. Reprinted as "MD's essay: Cancer patient Jesse's attempt to escape," Commentary in American Medical News 1988; 31: 28-29.
- Diekema DS, DB Allen. Odontoid Fracture in a Child occupying a Child Restraint Seat. Pediatrics 1988; 82: 117-119. PMID: 3288955
- Diekema DS. Bits and Pieces. Wisconsin Medical Journal 1989; 88: 7. Reprinted as "Helmetless accident victim--another meaningless death," American Medical News 1989; 32: 31.
- Diekema DS. Metaphors, Morals, and Medicine. Soundings 1989;72: 17-24.
- Diekema DS. Is Taller Really Better?: Growth Hormone Therapy in Short Children. Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 1990; 34: 109-123. PMID: 2274399
- Diekema DS. Accomplices (A Piece of my Mind). JAMA 1991; 265: 802. PMID: 1990197
- Diekema DS, L Quan, VL Holt. Epilepsy as a Risk Factor for Submersion Injury in Children. Pediatrics 1993; 91: 612-616. PMID: 8441568
- Diekema DS. Unwinding the COBRA: New perspectives on EMTALA. Pediatr Emerg Care 1995; 11 (4): 243-248. PMID: 8532574
- Diekema DS. What is left of futility?: The convergence of anencephaly and the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 1995; 149: 1156-1159. PMID: 7550822
- Diekema DS. Children First: The need to reform financing of health care services for children. J Health Care Poor Underserved 1996; 7(1):3-14. PMID: 8645783
- Diekema DS, P Cummings, L Quan. Physicians’ children are treated differently in the emergency department. Am J Emerg Med 1996; 14 (1): 6-9. PMID: 8630161
- Diekema DS. The Preferential Treatment of VIPs in the Emergency Room. Am J Emerg Med 1996; 14(2): 226-229. PMID: 8924151
- Diekema DS, MA DelBeccaro, P Cummings, L Quan. Physician parents and utilization of a pediatric emergency department. Pediatr Emerg Care 1996; 12 (6): 400-403. PMID: 8989784
- Warden C, Diekema DS, Robertson W. Dystonic Reaction associated with dextromethorphan ingestion in a toddler. Pediatr Emerg Care 1997; 13:214-215. PMID: 9220509
- Diekema DS, RP Shugerman. An ethics curriculum for the pediatric residency program: confronting barriers to implementation. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 1997; 151:609-614. PMID: 9193248
- Newman RD, CD Shubkin, SH Chapman, DS Diekema. A Wilderness Medicine Course for Pediatric Residents. Pediatr Emerg Care 1998; 14(1):58-61. PMID: 9516634
- Newman LM, DS Diekema, CD Shubkin, EJ Klein, L Quan. Pediatric wilderness recreational deaths in western Washington state. Ann Emerg Med 1998; 32(6): 687-692. PMID: 9832665
- Klein EJ, M Koenig, DS Diekema, W Winters. Discordant radiograph interpretation between emergency physicians and radiologists in a pediatric emergency department. Pediatr Emerg Care 1999; 15 (4): 245-248. PMID: 10460076
- Keenan HT, DS Diekema, PP O’Roarke, P Cummings, DE Woodrum. Attitudes toward limitation of support in the pediatric intensive care unit. Crit Care Med 2000; 28 (5): 1590-1594. PMID: 10834717
- Diekema DS. Withdrawing and withholding life-sustaining treatment in children. West J Med 2000; 173: 411-412. PMID: 11112761
- Diekema DS. Is maximizing height good parenting? The Endocrinologist 2001; 11 (4, Supplement 1): 67S-71S.
- Diekema DS, Reuter D. Arthropod Bites and Stings. Clin Pediatr Emerg Med 2001; 2 (3): 155-167.
- Klein EJ, Diekema DS, Paris CA, Quan L, Cohen M, Seidel KD. A randomized clinical trial of oral midazolam plus placebo versus oral midazolam plus oral transmucosal fentanyl for sedation during laceration repair. Pediatrics 2002; 109: 894-897. PMID: 12587134
- Diekema DS. Taking children seriously: what’s so important about assent? American Journal of Bioethics 2003; 3(4): 25-26. PMID: 14744318
- Diekema DS. Involuntary sterilization of persons with mental retardation: an ethical analysis. Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities Research Reviews 2003; 9: 21-26. PMID: 12587134
- Diekema DS. Conducting ethical research in pediatric emergency medicine. Clinical Pediatric Emergency Medicine 2003; 4(4): 273-284.
- Smith S, Fryer-Edwards K, Diekema DS, Braddock C. Finding Effective Strategies of Teaching Ethics: A Comparison Trial of Two Interventions. Academic Medicine 2004; 79(3): 265-271. PMID: 14985202
- Diekema DS. Parental Refusals of Medical Treatment: The Harm Principle as Threshold for State Intervention. Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 2004; 25(4): 243-264. PMID: 15637945
- Fallat ME, Deshpande JK, and the Section on Surgery, Section on Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, and Committee on Bioethics of the American Academy of Pediatrics. Clinical Report: Do-Not-Resuscitate Orders for Pediatric Patients Who Require Anesthesia and Surgery. Pediatrics 2004; 114 (6): 1686-1692.
- Diekema DS and Committee on Bioethics, American Academy of Pediatrics. Clinical Report: Responding to parental refusals for vaccination of children. Pediatrics 2005; 115 (5): 1428-1431. PMID: 15867060. Reprinted in Vaccination Ethics and Policy: An Introduction with Readings, eds Schwartz J, Caplan A; Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2017.
- Stephens BD, Diekema DS, Klein EJ. Recreational injuries in Washington State National Parks. Wilderness and Environmental Medicine 2005; 16 (4): 192-197. PMID: 16366199
- Diekema DS. DNAR in the Schools: Watch your Language! American Journal of Bioethics 2005; 5(1): 76-78. PMID: 16036673
- Pediatric Task Force, International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation. The international liaison committee on resuscitation (ILCOR) consensus on science with treatment recommendations for pediatric and neonatal patients: Pediatric basic and advanced life support. Pediatrics 2006; 117(5): e955-e977.
- Subcommittee on Pediatric Resuscitation, American Heart Association. 2005 American Heart Association (AHA) Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and Emergency Cardiovascular care (ECC) of pediatric and neonatal patients: Pediatric basic life support. Pediatrics 2006; 117(5): e989-e1004.
- Subcommittee on Pediatric Resuscitation, American Heart Association. 2005 American Heart Association (AHA) Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and Emergency Cardiovascular care (ECC) of pediatric and neonatal patients: Pediatric advanced life support. Pediatrics 2006; 117(5): e1005-e1028.
- Gunther DF, Diekema DS. Attenuating growth in children with developmental disability: a new approach to an old dilemma. Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine 2006; 160 (10): 1013-1017. PMID: 17018459
- Burke W, Diekema DS. Ethical Issues Arising from the Participation of Children in Genetic Research. J Pediatr (Supplement) 2006; 149 (1): S34-S38. PMID: 16829241
- Diekema DS. Conducting Ethical Research in Pediatrics: A Brief Historical Overview and Review of Pediatric Regulations. J Pediatr (Supplement) 2006; 149 (1): S3-S11. PMID: 16829239
- Opel D, Diekema DS. The Case of A.R.: The Ethics of Sibling Donor Bone Marrow Transplantation Revisited. Journal of Clinical Ethics 2006; 17(3): 207-219. PMID: 17186933
- Opel D, Shugerman R, McPhillips H, Swanson WS, Archibald S, Diekema DS. Professionalism and the Match: A Pediatric Residency Program's Post-Interview No-Call Policy and its Impact on Applicants. Pediatrics 2007; 120 (4): e826-e831 (electronic Pages). Accessible at
- Committee on Bioethics, American Academy of Pediatrics. Policy Statement. Professionalism in Pediatrics: Statement of Principles. Pediatrics 2007; 120 (4): 895-897.
- Fallat ME, Glover J and the Committee on Bioethics, American Academy of Pediatrics. Professionalism in Pediatrics. Pediatrics 2007; 120: e1123-e1133 (Electronic pages). Accessible at
- Diekema DS. The Armchair Ethicist: It’s All about Location. Journal of Clinical Ethics 2007; 18 (3): 227-232. PMID: 18051939
- Salas H, Aziz Z, Villareale N, Diekema DS. The Research and Family Liaison: Enhancing Informed Consent. IRB 2008; 30(4): 1-8. PMID: 18767318
- Levetown M and the Committee on Bioethics, American Academy of Pediatrics. Technical Report: Communicating with Children and Families: From Everyday Interactions to Skill on Conveying Distressing Information. Pediatrics 2008; 121 (5): e1441-e1460. PMID: 18450887. Accessible at
- Fallat ME, Hutter J and the Committee on Bioethics, Section on Hematology/Oncology, & Section on Surgery, American Academy of Pediatrics. Technical Report: Preservation of Fertility in Children and Adolescents with Cancer. Pediatrics 2008; 121(5): e1461-e1469. PMID: 18450888. Accessible at
- Ross LF, Thistlethwaite JR, and the Committee on Bioethics. Policy Statement: Minors as Living Solid Organ Donors. Pediatrics 2008; 122 (2): 454-461. PMID: 18676567
- Opel DJ, Diekema DS, Marcuse EM. A Critique of Criteria for Evaluating Vaccines for Inclusion in Mandatory School Immunization Programs. Pediatrics 2008; 122(2): e504-e510. PMID: 18676536
- Diekema DS. Public Health, Ethics, and State Compulsion. J Pub Health Management Practice 2008; 14(4): 332-334. PMID: 18552642
- Showalter H, Aziz Z, Diekema DS. The Role of Family Liaisons in Research Ethics Consultations. American Journal of Bioethics 2008; 8(3): 27-28. PMID: 18570096
- Diekema, DS. Choices Should Have Consequences: Failure to Vaccinate, Harm to Others, and Civil Liability. Michigan Law Review First Impressions 2009; 107: 90-94.
- Diekema DS. Innovative, Invasive, and Irreversible Interventions: What Protections are Adequate and Reasonable for Children with Developmental Disability. Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (PM&R) 2009; 1(4): 372-373.
- Allen DB, Kappy M, Diekema D, Fost N. Growth Attenuation Therapy: Principles for Practice. Pediatrics 2009; 123 (2): 1156-1561.
- Opel DJ, Diekema DS, Lee NR, Marcuse EK. Social Marketing as a Strategy to Increase Immunization Rates. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine 2009: 163(5): 432-437. PMID: 19414689
- Opel DJ, Wilfond BS, Brownstein D, Diekema DS, Pearlman RA. Characterisation of Organisational Issues in Pediatric Clinical Ethics Consultation: A Qualitative Study. Journal of Medical Ethics 2009; 35: 477-482. PMID: 19644005
- Diekema DS, Botkin JR, and the Committee on Bioethics, American Academy of Pediatrics. Clinical Report: Forgoing Medically Provided Nutrition and Hydration in Children. Pediatrics 2009; 124: 813-822. PMID: 19651596
- Opel DJ, Brownstein D, Diekema DS, Wilfond BS, Pearlman RA. Integrating Ethics and Patient Safety: The Role of Clinical Ethics Consultants in Quality Improvement. Journal of Clinical Ethics 2009; 20(3): 220-226. PMID: 19845192
- Diekema DS. Boldt v. Boldt: A Pediatric Ethics Perspective. Journal of Clinical Ethics 2009; 20 (3): 251-57. PMID: 19845198
- Diekema DS. Ethical Issues in Research Involving Infants. Seminars in Perinatology 2009; 33:364-71. PMID: 19914520
- Committee on Bioethics, American Academy of Pediatrics. Policy Statement. Pediatrician-Family-Patient Relationships: Managing the Boundaries. Pediatrics 2009;124(6): 1685-1688.
- Committee on Bioethics, American Academy of Pediatrics. Policy Statement. Physician Refusal to Provide Information or Treatment on the Basis of Claims of Conscience. Pediatrics 2009;124(6): 1689-1693. PMID: 19948636
- Fogila MB, Salas H, Diekema DS. A Quality Improvement Approach to Improving Informed Consent Practices in Pediatric Research. Journal of Clinical Ethics 2009; 20(4): 343-352. PMID: 20120854
- Diekema DS, Fost N. Ashley Revisited: Response to the Critics. American Journal of Bioethics 2010; 10(1): 30-44. PMID: 20077335 (AJOBs 5th most downloaded article in 2015).
- Diekema DS. Fost N. Ashley Revisited: Response to the Peer Commentaries. American Journal of Bioethics 2010; 10(1): W4-W6. PMID: 20077323
- Committee on Bioethics, American Academy of Pediatrics. Policy Statement: Children as Hematopoietic Stem Cell Donors. Pediatrics 2010; 125(2): 392-404. PMID: 20100753
- Committee on Bioethics, American Academy of Pediatrics. Policy Statement: Ritual Genital Cutting of Female Minors. Pediatrics 2010; 125(5): 1088-1093. PMID: 20421257
- Committee on Bioethics and Committee on School Health, American Academy of Pediatrics. Policy Statement: Honoring Do-Not-Attempt Resuscitation Orders in Schools. Pediatrics 2010; 125(5): 1073-1077. PMID: 20421255
- Morrison LJ, Kierzek G, Diekema DS, Sayre MR, Silvers SM, Idris AH, Mancini ME. Part 3: Ethics: 2010 American Heart Association Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care. Circulation 2010; 122 (18Suppl 3): S665-S675. PMID: 20956219
- Kleinman ME, de Caen AR, Chameides L, Atkins DL, Berg RA, Berg MD, Bhanji F, Biarent D, Bingham R, Coovadia AH, Hazinski MF, Hickey RW, Nadkarni VM, Reis AG, Rodriguez-Nunez A, Tibballs J, Zaritsky AL, Zideman D; on behalf of the Pediatric Basic and Advanced Life Support Chapter Collaborators. Part 10: pediatric basic and advanced life support: 2010 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment Recommendations. Circulation. 2010;122(16suppl 2):S466 –S515. (Also in Pediatrics 2010; 126 (5): e1261-e1318.) PMID: 20956258 & 20956433
- Olson ME, Diekema D, Elliot B, Renier CM. The impact of income and income inequality on infant health outcomes in the United States: An aggregate analysis of statewide information. Pediatrics 2010; 126 (6): 1158-66.
- Wilfond BS, Miller PS, Korfiatis, C, Diekema DS, Dudzinski D, Goering S, and the Seattle Growth Attenuation & Ethics Working Group. Navigating Growth Attenuation in Children with Profound Disabilities: Children’s Interests, Family Decision-Making, and Community Concerns. Hastings Center Report 2010: 40(6): 27-40. PMID: 21155109
- Diekema DS, Joffe S, Vandeven A. Lantos JD. Bone Marrow Donation Between Siblings Living in Different Families. Pediatrics 2011: 127(1): 158-162. PMID: 21172994
- Opel DJ, Diekema DS, Marcuse EM.: Assuring Research Integrity in the Wake of Wakefield: Not just a Bad Apple, but a Defective Barrel. BMJ 2011; 342: 179-180. PMID: 21245120
- Rosenthal SM, Diekema DS. Pediatric Ethics Guidelines for Hereditary Medullary Thyroid Cancer. International Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology 2011; 2011 (Article ID 847603): 8 pages. PMID: 21436957. At:
- Nishisaki A, Diekema DS. Mind the Gap and Narrowing it: Family Presence during Pediatric Resuscitation and Invasive Procedures. Resuscitation 2011; 82(6): 655-656. PMID: 21514713
- Sirbaugh P, Diekema DS, Committee on Bioethics & Committee on Pediatric Emergency Medicine, American Academy of Pediatrics. Policy Statement: Consent for Emergency Medical Services for Children and Adolescents. Pediatrics 2011; 128(2): 427-433. PMID: 21788221
- Diekema DS. Revisiting the Best Interest Standard: Uses and Misuses. Journal of Clinical Ethics 2011; 22(2): 128-133. PMID: 21837884
- Leuthner S, Ralston SJ, American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Bioethics and American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Clinical Report: Maternal-Fetal Intervention and Fetal Care Centers. Pediatrics 2011; 128(2): e473-e478.
- Diekema DS. Examining the Quest to Eliminate Discrepancies in IRB Decisions. AJOB Primary Research 2011; 2(2): 34-36.
- Diekema DS. Adolescent Refusals of Life-saving Treatment: Are we Asking the Right Questions? AMSTAR: Adolescent Medicine 2011; 22(2): 213-228. PMID: 22106736
- Opel DJ, Diekema DS. Finding the Proper Balance Between Freedom and Justice: Why We Should Not Eliminate Personal Belief Exemptions to Vaccine Mandates. Journal of Health Policy, Politics, and Law 2012; 37(1): 141-147. PMID: 22003099. Reprinted in Contemporary Issues in Bioethics, 8th Edition, Beauchamp TL, Walters L, Kahn JP, Mastroianni AC, eds. Wadsworth, 2013.
- Diekema DS. Improving Childhood Vaccination Rates. New England Journal of Medicine 2012; 366(5): 391-393. PMID: 22296072
- Wilfond BS, Diekema DS. Engaging children in genomics research: decoding the meaning of assent in research. Genetics in Medicine 2012; 14(4): 437-443. PMID: 22323071
- Task Force on Circumcision, American Academy of Pediatrics. Circumcision Policy Statement. Pediatrics 2012; 130(3): 585-586.
- Task Force on Circumcision, American Academy of Pediatrics. Male Circumcision. Pediatrics 2012; 130(3): e756-e785.
- Shand J, Berg J, Bogue C, the Committee for Pediatric Research, and the Committee on Bioethics, American Academy of Pediatrics. Policy Statement: Human Embryonic Stem Cell (hESC) and Human Embryo Research. Pediatrics 2012; 130(5): 972-977. PMID: 23109685
- Moreno MA, Goniu N, Moreno PS, Diekema DS. Ethics of Social Media Research: Common Concerns and Practical Considerations. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 2013;16(9):708-713.
- Ross LF, Saal HM, Anderson R, David K, American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Bioethics, American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Genetics, and American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics Social, Ethical, and Legal Issues Committee. Ethical and Policy Issues in Genetic Testing and Screening of Children: Policy Statement. Pediatrics 2013; 131:620–622.
- Ross LF, Saal HM, Anderson R, David K, American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Bioethics, American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Genetics, and American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics Social, Ethical, and Legal Issues Committee. Ethical and Policy Issues in Genetic Testing and Screening of Children: Technical Report. Genetics in Medicine 2013; 15(3):234-245. PMID: 23429433
- Opel DJ, Taylor JA, Phillipi CA, Diekema DS. The Intersection of Evidence and Values in Clinical Guidelines: Who Decides What Constitutes Acceptable Risk in the Care of Children? Hospital Pediatrics 2013; 3(2): 87-91. PMID: 24340407
- AAP Task Force on Circumcision (Diekema primary author). Cultural Bias and Circumcision: The AAP Task Force on Circumcision Responds. Pediatrics 2013; 131(4): 801-804. PMID: 23509171
- AAP Task Force on Circumcision (Diekema primary author). The AAP Task Force on Neonatal Circumcision: A Call for Respectful Dialogue. Journal of Medical Ethics 2013; 39(7): 442-443. PMID: 23508207
- Committee on Bioethics, American Academy of Pediatrics. Policy Statement: Ethical Controversies in Organ Donation after Circulatory Death. Pediatrics 2013; 131(5): 1021-1026.
- Diekema DS. Provider Dismissal of Vaccine-hesitant Families: Misguided Policy that Fails to Benefit Children. Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics 2013; 9(12): 2661 - 2662; PMID: 24013210.
- Committee on Bioethics, American Academy of Pediatrics. Policy Statement: Conflicts Between Religious or Spiritual Beliefs and Pediatric Care: Informed Refusal, Exemptions, and Public Funding. Pediatrics 2013; 132(5): 962-965.
- Diekema DS. Personal Belief Exemptions to School Vaccination Mandates. Annual Review of Public Health 2014; 35: 275-292. DOI: 10.1146/annurev-publhealth-032013-182452. PMID: 24328988
- Grady C, Wiener L, Abdoler E, Trauernicht E, Zadeh S, Diekema DS, Wilfond BS, Wendler D. Assent in Research: the Voices of Adolescents. Journal of Adolescent Health 2014; 54 (5): 515-520. DOI:10.1016/j.jadohealth.2014.02.005. PMID: 24630932
- Johnson EM, Diekema DS, Lewis-Newby, M, King MA. Pediatric Triage and Allocation of Critical Care Resources During Disaster: Northwest Provider Opinion. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine 2014;29(5):1-6. PMID: 25247776
- Kett JC, Woodrum DE, Diekema DS. A Survey of Fetal Care Centers in the United States. Journal of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine 2014: 7(2): 131-135. PMID: 25104126
- Lewis-Newby M, Wicclair M, Pope T, Rushton C, Curlin F, Diekema D, Durrer D, Ehlenbach W, Gibson-Scipio W, Glavan B, Langer L, Manthous C, Rose C, Scardella A, Shanawani H, Siegel MD, Halpern SD, Truog RD, White DB on behalf of the ATS Ethics and Conflict of Interest Committee. An Official American Thoracic Society Policy Statement: Managing Conscientious Objections in Intensive Care Medicine. American Journal of Respiratory & Critical Care Medicine 2015; 191(2):219-227. PMID: 25590155
- Kunz S, McAdams RM, Diekema DS, Opel DJ. A Quality of Life Quandary: A Framework for Navigating Parental Refusal of Treatment for Co-morbidities in Infants with Underlying Medical Conditions. Journal of Clinical Ethics 2015; 26(1): 16-23. PMID: 25794289
- Cho MK, Magnus D, Constantine M, Soo-Jin Lee S, Kelley M, Alessi S, Korngiebel D, James C, Kuwana E, Gallagher T, Diekema D, Capron AM, Joffe S, Wilfond BS. Attitudes toward Risk and Informed Consent for Research on Medical Practices: A Cross-Sectional Survey. Annals of Internal Medicine 2015; 162(10): 690-696. PMID: 25868119
- Jecker NS, Dudzinski DM, Diekema DS, Tonelli M. Ebola Virus Disease: Ethics and Emergency Medical Response Policy. Chest 2015; 148(3):794-800. PMID: 25855946
- Weaver, MS, Carr A, Triplett B, Diekema DS. Matched Marrow, Sibling Shadow: The Epidemiology, Experience, and Ethics of Sibling Donors of Stem Cells—a Perspective. Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology 2015; 4(3):1-5.
- Wightman A, Diekema D. Should an Undocumented Immigrant Receive a Heart Transplant? AMA Journal of Ethics. 2015; 17:909-913. PMID: 26496053.
- Mancini ME, Diekema DS, Hoadley TA, Kadlec KD, Leveille MH, McGowan JE, Munkwitz MM, Panchal AR, Sayre MR, Sinz EH. 2015 American Heart Association Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care. Part 3: Ethical Issues. Circulation 2015;132(Suppl 2):S383-S396. PMID: 26472991
- Diekema DS. Physician Dismissal of Families Who Refuse Vaccination: An Ethical Assessment. Journal of Law, Medicine, and Ethics 2015;43(3):654-660. PMID: 26479574
- Diekema DS. Wilfond BS. Decision making for children with disabilities: parental discretion & moral ambiguity. Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 2015; 58(3): 328–331.
- Lee SS, Kelley MK, Cho MK, Alessi S, James C, Constantine M, Meyer AN, Diekema D, Capron AM, Wilfond BS, Magnus D. Adrift in the Gray Zone: IRB Perspectives on Research in the Learning Health System. AJOB Empirical Bioethics 2016; 7(2):125-134.
- Hoopes AJ, Sucato GS, Diekema DS. Involving parents in Pediatric Patients’ Decisions about Long-acting Reversible Contraception. JAMA Pediatrics 2016. 170(5): 409-410.
- Opel DJ, MP Kronman, DS Diekema, EK Marcuse, JS Duchin, E Kodish. Childhood vaccine exemption policy: the case for the least restrictive alternative. Pediatrics 2016: 137(4):e20154230.
- Kelley M, Brazg T, Wilfond B, Lengua L, Rivin B, Martin-Herz SP, Diekema D. Ethical challenges in research with orphans and vulnerable children: A qualitative study of researcher experiences. Journal of International Health 2016; 8:187-196.
- RivinBE, DiekemaDS,MastroianniAC, KriegerJN, KlausnerJD, MorrisBJ. Critical evaluation of Adler’s challenge to the CDC’s male circumcision recommendations. International Journal of Children’s Rights 2016; 24: 265-303.
- Gentry KR, Diekema D. Case Commentary: Allocation of Anesthesia Care should be Addressed Proactively. American Journal of Bioethics 2016;16(7):70-72.
- Katz AL, Webb SA, Committee on Bioethics, American Academy of Pediatrics. Policy Statement: Informed Consent in Decision-making in Pediatric Practice. Pediatrics 2016;138(2): e20161484.
- Katz AL, Webb SA, Committee on Bioethics, American Academy of Pediatrics. Technical Report: Informed Consent in Decision-making in Pediatric Practice. Pediatrics 2016;138(2): e20161485.
- Kraft SA, Cho MK, Constantine M, Soo-Jin Lee S, Kelley M, Korngiebel D, James C, Kuwana E, Meyer A, Porter K, Diekema D, Capron AM, Alicic R, Wilfond BS, Magnus D. A comparison of institutional review board professionals’ and patients’ views on consent for research on medical practices. Clinical Trials 2016; 13(5): 555-565. PMID: 2725712
- Skarsgard ED, Katz AL, Fallat ME, and the American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Bioethics, Section on Surgery Executive Committee, and American Pediatric Surgical Association New Technology Committee. Responsible innovation in children’s surgical care. Pediatrics 2017; 139(1): e20163437 (87-95).
- Porter KM, Cho MK, Kraft SA, Korngiebel DM, Constantine M, Lee SS, Kelley M, James C, Kuwana E, Meyer A, Diekema D, Capron AM, Magnus D, Wilfond BS. Research of Medical Practices (ROMP): Attitudes of IRB personnel about randomization and informed consent. IRB: Ethics & Human Research 2017; 39(1):10-16.
- Khoo EJ, Schremmer RD, Diekema DS, Lantos JD. Ethics Rounds: Ethical Concerns when Minors Act as Standardised Patients. Pediatrics 2017; I139(3):e20162795.
- Jecker NS, Wightman AG, Rosenberg AR, Diekema DS. From Protection to Entitlement: Selecting Research Subjects for Early Phase Clinical
- Trials Involving Breakthrough Therapies. Journal of Medical Ethics 2017;43:391-400. doi:10.1136/medeethics-2016-103868. DOI: 10.1111/apa.13812.
- Kett J, Wolfe E, Vernon M, Woodrum D, Diekema DS. Expectant Women in the Multidisciplinary Fetal Care Center (FCC): What is their Experience? Acta Paediatrica 2017; 106(6):930-934.
- Opel DJ, SchwartzJ,L OmerSB, SilvermanR, DuchinJ, Kodish E, DiekemaDS, Marcuse EK, Orenstein W. Achieving an Optimal Childhood Vaccine Policy. JAMA Pediatrics 2017;171(9):893-896. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2017.1868.
- Kraft SA, Porter KM, Korngiebel DM, James C, Constantine M, Kelley M, Capron AM, Diekema D, Lee SS, Cho MK, Magnus D, Wilfond BS. Research on Medical Practices: Why Patients Consider Participating and the Investigational Misconception. IRB: Ethics & Human Research 2017; 39(4): 10-16.
- Rosenberg AR, Starks H, Unguru Y, Feudtner C, Diekema D. Truth-telling in the setting of cultural differences and incurable pediatric illness: a review. JAMA Pediatrics 2017; 171(11):1113-1119. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2017.2568.
- Shah SK, Rosenberg AR, Diekema DS. Charlie Gard and the limits of best interests. JAMA Pediatrics 2017;171(10): 937-938. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2017.3076.
- Weise KL, Okun AL, Carter BS, Christian CW, and the American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Bioethics, Section on Hospice and Palliative Medicine, and Committee on Child Abuse and Neglect, American Academy of Pediatrics. Guidance on forgoing life-sustaining medical treatment. Pediatrics 2017; 140(3): e20171905.
- Wightman A, Diekema D, Goldberg A. Consideration of children with intellectual disability as candidates for solid organ transplantation- a practice in evolution. Pediatric Transplantation 2017;22(1): e13091. DOI: 10.1111/petr.13091
- Jecker NJ, Wightman AG, Rosenberg AR, Diekema DS. Ethical Guidance for Selecting Clinical Trials to receive Limited Space in an Immunotherapy Production Facility. American Journal of Bioethics 2018;18(4):58-67.
- Fallat ME, Hardy C, American Academy of Pediatrics Section on Surgery, Section on Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, and Committee on Bioethics. Interpretation of Do Not Attempt Resuscitation Orders for Children Requiring Anesthesia and Surgery. Pediatrics 2018;141(5):e20180598.
- Wightman A, Goldberg A, Diekema D. Fairness, Severe Intellectual Disability, and the Special Case of Transplantation. Pediatric Transplantation 2018;22(5): e13228. DOI: 10.1111/petr.13228
- Diekema DS. Ethical Issues in Genetics Research. Pediatric Ethicscope: The Journal of Pediatric Bioethics 2018; 31(1):58-63.
- Hester DM, Lang KR, Garrison NA, Diekema DS. Agreed: The Harm Principle Cannot Replace the Best Interest Standard…but the Best Interest Standard Cannot Replace the Harm Principle Either. American Journal of Bioethics 2018;18(8):38-40.
- Wightman A, Diekema DS. Parental Decision-making and the Limitations of the Equivalence Thesis (and the Harm Principle). American Journal of Bioethics 2019; 19(3):43-45.
- Moon M, and the American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Bioethics. Policy Statement: Institutional Ethics Committees. Pediatrics 2019;143(5):82-88 (e20190659).
- Diekema DS. Decision-making on behalf of Children: Understanding the Role of the Harm Principle. The Journal of Clinical Ethics 2019;30(3):207-212.
- Shah S. Paquette E, Wightman A, Diekema DS. Relationships Help Make Life Worth Living. Journal of Medical Ethics 2020;46(1):22-23. Published Online First: 15 November 2019. doi: 10.1136/medethics-2019-105809
- Berkman ER, Clark, JD, Diekema, DS, Lewis-Newby M. “We can do anything but we can't do everything": Exploring the perceived impact of international pediatric programs on U.S. PICUs. Frontiers in Pediatrics 2019; 7:470. doi: 10.3389/fped.2019.00470.
- Diekema D. When Parents and Providers Disagree: Understanding and Responding to Conflicts in the Care of Children. Pediatric Ethicscope: The Journal of Pediatric Bioethics 2019;31(2): At:
- Diekema DS. Hans Jonas and the Ethics of Human Subjects Research. Hastings Center Report 2020;50(1):8-9.
- Statter MB, Noritz G, Committee on Bioethics and Council on Children with Disabilities, American Academy of Pediatrics. Children with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities as Organ Transplantation Recipients. Pediatrics 2020;145(5):e20200625. doi: 10.1542/peds.2020-0625.
- Antommaria A, Gibb TS, McGuire AL, Wolpe PR, Wynia MK, Applewhite MK, Caplan A, Diekema DS, Hester DM, Lehmann LS, McLeod-Sordjan R, Schiff T, Tabor HK, Wieten SE, Eberl JT. Ventilator Triage Policies During the COVID-19 Pandemic at US Hospitals Associated with Members of the Association of Bioethics Program Directors. Annals of Internal Medicine 2020;173(3):188-194. Doi:
- Jecker NS, Wightman AG, Diekema DS. Prioritizing Frontline Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic. American Journal of Bioethics 2020;20(7):128-132. DOI: 10.1080/15265161.2020.1764140.
- Laventhal N, Basak R, Dell ML, Diekema DS, Elster N, Geis G, Mercurio M, Opel D, Shalowitz D, Statter M, McCauley R. The Ethics of Creating a Resource Allocation Strategy During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Pediatrics 2020;146(1): e20201243; DOI:
- Sanseau E, Thomas A, Daniel R, Augenstein J, Diekema D. Wilderness Medicine (Hypothermia, Dehydration and Ankle Injury): A Pediatric Simulation Case for Medical Trainees. MedEdPORTAL: The Journal of Teaching and Learning Resources. 2020;16: 10900.
- Weise K, Guerin R, Hizlan S, Diekema DS. Do clinical ethics fellowships prepare trainees for their first jobs? A national survey of former clinical ethics fellows. Journal of Clinical Ethics 2020; 31(4):369-377.
- Diekema DS. Adolescent Brain Development and Medical Decision-making. Pediatrics 2020;146(2, Supplement 1):S18-24 (e20200818F). doi: 10.1542/peds.2020-0818F.
- Laventhal N, Basak R, Dell ML, Elster N, Geis G, McCauley R, Mercurio M, Opel D, Shalowitz D, Statter M, Diekema DS. Professional Obligations of Clinicians and Institutions in Pediatric Care Settings During a Public Health Crisis: A Review. Journal of Pediatrics 2020;224:10-15. PMID: 32585238 DOI:
- Young J, Nour NM. Macauley RC, Narnag SK, Johnson-Agbakwu C, AAP Section on Global Health, AAP Committee on Medical Liability and Risk Management, and AAP Committee on Bioethics. Diagnosis, Management, and Treatment of Female Genital Mutilation or Cutting in Girls. Pediatrics 2020;145(6):e20201012.
- Opel DJ, Diekema DS, Ross LR. Should we mandate a Covid-19 vaccine for children? JAMA Pediatrics 2021;175(2):125-126. Published online September 14, 2020. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2020.3019.
- Berkman E, Wightman A, Friedland-Little JM, Albers EL, Diekema DS, Lewis-Newby M. An Ethical Analysis of Obesity as a Determinant of Pediatric Heart Transplant Candidacy. Pediatric Transplantation 2020; 25(3):e13913.
- Weiss E, Wightman A, Diekema DS. Conflicts of Interest in Clinical Ethics Consultation. Journal of Medical Ethics 2021;47:e61. doi:10.1136/ medethics-2020-106725
- Montague E, Day E, Barry D, Brumm M, McAdie A, Cooper AB, Wignall J, Erdman S, Diekema D, Danks D. Information Fiduciaries: The Implementation of a Data Ethics Checklist at Seattle Children's Hospital. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 2021; 28:3:650-652.
- Benedetti DJ, Lewis-Newby M, Roberts JS, Diekema DS. Pandemics and Beyond: Considerations When Personal Risk and Professional Obligations in Healthcare Converge. Journal of Clinical Ethics 2021;32(1): 20-34. PMID: 33656454
- Kates O, Stohs E, Rakita R, Michaels MG, Wolfe C, Danziger-Isakov L, Ison M, Blumberg EA, Gordon E, Diekema D. The Limits of Refusal: An Ethical Review of Solid Organ Transplantation and Vaccine Hesitancy. American Journal of Transplantation 2021;21:2637-2645. PMID: 3337050
- Jecker NS. Wightman AG, Diekema DS. Vaccine Ethics: An Ethical Framework for Global Distribution of Covid-19 Vaccines. Journal of Medical Ethics 2021;47:308-317. doi:10.1136/ medethics-2020-107036.
- Kett J, Olszewski A, Diekema DS, Wilfond B, Wightman A 2020 Executive Order that Threatens Progress in Shared Decision-Making. Pediatrics 2021; 147(5):e2020038794.
- Berkman E, Clark J, Diekema DS, Jecker NS. A World Away and Here at Home: A Prioritisation Framework for US International Patient Programmes. Journal of Medical Ethics 2022;48:557-565. doi:10.1136/ medethics-2020-106772.
- Macauley R, Elster N, Faranoff JM, Committee on Bioethics, Committee on Medical Liability and Risk Management, American Academy of Pediatrics. Clinical Report: Ethical Considerations in Pediatricians’ Use of Social Media. Pediatrics 2021;147(3):e2020049685.
- Kates OS, Diekema DS, Blumberg EA. Should healthcare institutions mandate a SARS-CoV-2 vaccination for staff? Open Forum Infectious Diseases 2021;8(6), obab155,
- Sawyer K, Dundas N, Snyder A, Diekema D. Competencies and Milestones for Clinical Ethics Trainees. The Journal of Clinical Ethics 2021;32(2):127-148.
- Lewis-Newby M, Berkman E, Diekema D, Clark J. Heroics at the End of Life in Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care: The Role of the Intensivist in Supporting Ethical Decisions around Innovative Surgical Interventions. Ethics in Biology, Engineering and Medicine: An International Journal 2021;12(1):1-13. DOI: 10.1615/EthicsBiologyEngMed.2021041108.
- Gray MM, Butler CR, Webster LB, Tonelli MR, Sakata VL, Diekema DS. Patient information items needed to guide the allocation of scarce life-sustaining resources: A Delphi Study of multidisciplinary experts. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness 2022, 1-7 (first view online). Doi:10.1017/dmp.2021.351
- Butler CR, Webster LB, Sakata VL, Tonelli MR, Diekema DS, Gray MM. Functionality of Scarce Healthcare Resource Triage Teams during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Multi-Institutional Simulation Study. Critical Care Explorations 2022; 4(1):e0627. PMID: 35083438
- Diekema DS and the American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Bioethics. Policy Statement: Health Care Clinicians and Product Promotion by Industry. Pediatrics 2022;149(4):e2022056548.
- Diekema DS and the American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Bioethics. Technical Report: Health Care Clinicians and Product Promotion by Industry. Pediatrics 2022;149(4):e2022056549.
- Diekema DS. Rhetoric, Persuasion, Compulsion and the Stubborn Problem of Vaccine Hesitancy. Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 2022;65(1):106-123. DOI: 10.1353/pbm.2022.0006
- Wightman A, Goldberg A, Diekema DS. Considering a COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate and Pediatric Kidney Transplant Candidates. Pediatric Nephrology 2022.
- Butler C, Webster L, Diekema D, Gray M, Sakata V, Tonelli M, Varanas KC. Perspectives of triage team members participating in Washington state-wide triage simulations for scarce resource allocation during the COVID-19 pandemic in Washington State. JAMA Network Open 2022;5(4):e227639.
- Sun RZ, Wightman A, Diekema DS. Caregiver COVID-19 Vaccination for Solid Organ Transplant Candidates. American Journal of Transplantation 2022;22(9):2135-2138. DOI: 10.1111/ajt.17078.
- Berkman ER, Richardson KL, Clark JD, Dick AAS, Lewis-Newby M, Diekema DS, Wightman AG. An Ethical Analysis of Obesity as a Contraindication for Pediatric Kidney Transplant Candidacy. Pediatric Nephrology 2023;38(2):345-356. doi: 10.1007/s00467-022-05572-8. Epub2022Apr29.PMID: 35488137
- Butler C, Webster L, Diekema D. Staffing crisis capacity: A different approach to healthcare resource allocation for a different type of scarce resource. Journal of Medical Ethics 2022. Published online July 1.
- Silverman A, Batten J, Berkman E, Fitzgerald H, Epstein B, Shearer E, Diekema D, Burgart A. Ethics Rounds: Resuscitate but not intubate? Partial Codes in Pediatrics. Pediatrics 2023;152(2): e2022058931. DOI: 10.1542/peds.2022-058931.
- Berkman ER, Hsu EK, Clark JD, Lewis-Newby M, Dick AAS, Diekema DS, Wightman AG. An Ethical Analysis of Obesity as a Contraindication to Pediatric Liver Transplant Candidacy. American Journal of Transplantation 2023;23(6):736-743. DOI: 10.1016/j.ajt.2023.03.017.
- Hsu B, Bondoc A, Cuenca AG, et al; AAP Committee on Hospital Care, Section on Critical Care, Section on Surgery, Committee on Bioethics. Pediatric Organ Donation and Transplantation: Across the Care Continuum. Pediatrics. 2023; 152(2):e2023062923. DOI: 10.1542/peds.2023-062923.
- Salter EK, Hester DM, Vinarcsik L, Antommaria AHM, Bester J, Blustein J, Clayton EW, Diekema DS, Iltis AS, Kopelman LM, Malone JR, Mercurio M, Navin M, Paquette ET, Pope TM, Rhodes R, Ross LF. Pediatric Decision Making: Consensus Recommendations. Pediatrics 2023;152(3):e2023061832. DOI:
- Taub S, Macauley R, and the Committee on Bioethics, American Academy of Pediatrics. Responding to Parental Requests for Nondisclosure to Patients of Diagnostic and Prognostic Information in the Setting of Serious Disease. Pediatrics 2023;152(4):e2023063754.
- Lewis-Newby M, Berkman E, Diekema DS, Clark J. Ethical Challenges at the Frontiers of Medical Care for Children with Congenital Heart Disease in the U.S. Current Treatment Options in Pediatrics. 2023; 9(4):260-272.
- Kim DH, Berkman E, Clark JD, Saifee NH, Diekema DS, Lewis-Newby M. Parental Refusals of Blood Transfusions from COVID-19 Vaccinated Donors for Children Needing Cardiac Surgery. Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2023;13(3): 1-12. DOI: 10.1353/nib.0.a904612.
- Kingsley J, Clark J, Lewis-Newby M, Dudzinski D, Diekema D. Navigating Parental Requests: Considering the Relational Potential Standard in Pediatric End of Life Care in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. Journal of Medical Ethics 2024. doi:10.1136/jme-2023-108912.
- O’Leary ST, Opel DJ, Cataldi JR, Hackell JM, AAP Committee on Infectious Diseases, AAP Committee on Practice and Ambulatory Medicine, AAP Committee on Bioethics. Strategies for Improving Vaccine Communication and Uptake. Pediatrics 2024; 153(3):e2023065483.
- Navin MC, Wasserman JA, Diekema DS, Pope TM. Limits on Parental Discretion in Medical Decision-Making: Pediatric Intervention Principles Converge. Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 2024;67(2):277-289.
- Lewis-Newby M, Banker KA, Dudzinski D, Handley SJ, Mazor RL, McGuire JK, McMullan DM, Rice-Townsend SE, Soh E, Wightman AG, Yalon L, Diekema DS, Berkman ER. Developing Guidelines for the Allocation of Extracorporeal Life Support During Times of Extreme Scarcity: A Single Center Approach. Submitted to Pediatric Critical Care Medicine 2024: In Press.
- Opel DJ, Diekema DS and American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Bioethics. Clinical Report: Maintaining and Managing Boundaries Within the Pediatrician-Family-Patient Relationship. In Press.
Book Chapters:
- Diekema DS, GL Landry. Disturbances Due to Heat. Conn's Current Therapy 1990. Edited by RE Rakel. Philadelphia, PA: W. B. Saunders, 1990.
- Diekema DS, Quan L. Fishhook Removal. Textbook of Pediatric Emergency Procedures. Edited by FM Henretig and C King. Williams & Wilkins, 1997; 1223-1227.
- Diekema DS, Marcuse EK. Ethical Issues in the Vaccination of Children. Primum Non Nocere Today. 2nd Edition. Edited by GR Burgio and JD Lantos. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science, 1998; pp 37-47. Reprinted in P Crovari and N Principi. Le Vaccinazioni. Pisa, Italy: PACINI editore, 2001; 17-26. Reprinted in Bayer R, Gostin LO, Jennings B, Steinbock B, editors. Public Health Ethics. New York: Oxford University Press, 2007, pp 279-288.
- Diekema DS. Public Health Issues in Pediatrics. Encyclopedia of Bioethics, 3rd Edition, Edited by SG Post. New York: Macmillan Reference USA, 2004. Volume 4: 2020-2022.
- Diekema DS. Payments for Participation of Children in Research. Chapter in: Kodish E, Editor. Ethics and Research with Children: A Case-Based Approach. New York: Oxford University Press, 2005: 143-160.
- Diekema DS. Ethics and Managed Care. Chapter in: Ethical Dilemmas in Pediatrics: Cases and Commentaries. Edited by LR Frankel, A Goldwirth, MV Rorty, WA Silverman. Cambridge U Press, 2005: 257-266.
- Diekema DS. Medicolegal and Ethical Considerations. Chapter 13 in Pediatric Education for Prehospital Professionals, 2nd Edition. Edited by RA Dieckmann. Boston: Jones & Bartlett, 2006: 258-271.
- Diekema DS. Ethical Considerations. In American Academy of Pediatrics, Guidelines for Air and Ground Transport of Neonatal and Pediatric Patients, 3rd Edition. Edited by GA Woodward, RM Insoft, and ME Kleinman. Elk Grove Village, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics, 2007: 291-302.
- Diekema DS. Fishhook Removal. Textbook of Pediatric Emergency Procedures, 2nd Edition. Edited by FM Henretig and C King. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2008: 1102-1106.
- Diekema DS. She was the Life of the Party. In Complex Ethics Consultations: Cases That Haunt Us. Edited by PJ Ford and DM Dudzinski. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008: 45-51.
- Diekema DS. The Case of Ashley X. In Das “Ashley Treatment”: Die Grenze der Behandlung bei schwerstbehinderten Kindern. Edited by KW Schmidt and G Wolfslast. Frankfurt, Germany: Haag & Herchen Verlag, 2008. 27-33.
- Diekema DS. Professional Boundaries: Waitress. The Picture of Health: Medical Ethics and the Movies. Edited by H Colt, S Quadrelli, & L Friedman. NY: Oxford University Press. 2011, pp. 186-191.
- Diekema DS. Parental Refusals of Recommended Medical Interventions. In Clinical Ethics in Pediatrics: A Case-based Textbook. Edited by DS Diekema, MR Mercurio & MB Adam. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2011, pp. 14-17.
- Opel DJ & DS Diekema. Parental Refusals of Vaccination and School Vaccine Mandates: Balancing Parental Freedom, Child Welfare, and Public Health. In Clinical Ethics in Pediatrics: A Case-based Textbook. Edited by DS Diekema, MR Mercurio & MB Adam. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2011, pp. 205-210.
- Shear SB, Korfiatis C, & DS Diekema. When Institutional, Professional, and Public Health Obligations Conflict: The Controversial Case of Youth Boxing. In Clinical Ethics in Pediatrics: A Case-based Textbook. Edited by DS Diekema, MR Mercurio & MB Adam. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2011, pp. 211-214.
- Guon J & DS Diekema. The Impaired, Incompetent, and Unethical Provider. In Clinical Ethics in Pediatrics: A Case-based Textbook. Edited by DS Diekema, MR Mercurio & MB Adam. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2011, pp. 231-234.
- Shear SB, Hart L, Diekema DS. Female Genital Cutting: The Misnomer of Female Circumcision. In The Surgical Guide to Circumcision, Eds. DA Bolnik, M Koyle, and A Yosha. New York: Springer-Verlag, 2012, pp. 281-290.
- Diekema DS. Public Health Issues in Pediatrics. Bioethics, 4th Edition. Edited by B. Jennings, L Eckenwiler, G Kaebnick, B Koenig, S Krimsky, SR Latham, MR Mercurio. Farmington Hills, MI: MacMillan Reference USA, 2014, pp. 2366-2369.
- Diekema DS. Male Circumcision [Addendum]. Bioethics, 4th Edition. Edited by B. Jennings, L Eckenwiler, G Kaebnick, B Koenig, S Krimsky, SR Latham, MR Mercurio. Farmington Hills, MI: MacMillan Reference USA, 2014, pp. 586-588.
- Diekema DS. Religious Objections to Medical Care. Bioethics, 4th Edition. Edited by B. Jennings, L Eckenwiler, G Kaebnick, B Koenig, S Krimsky, SR Latham, MR Mercurio. Farmington Hills, MI: MacMillan Reference USA, 2014, pp. 2713-2717.
- Wightman A, Smith J, Diekema D. Neurodevelopmental Status as a Criterion for Solid Organ Transplant Eligibility. Chapter in Ethical Issues in Pediatric Organ Transplantation. Editors Greenberg R, Goldberg A, Rodriguez-Arias D. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 215-236.
- Moreno M, Goniu N, Moreno P, Diekema D. Ethical and Regulatory Considerations For Social Media Research. Chapter 10 in The Psychology of Social Networking Vol.1: Personal Experience in Online Communities. Editors: Wiederhold BK, Riva G, Cipresso P. Warsaw, Poland: De Gruyter Open, 2015, pp. 116-129. At:
- Lewis-Newby M, Diekema DS. Ethics in Pediatric Intensive Care. In Fuhrman & Zimmerman’s Pediatric Critical Care, 5th Edition. Editors: BP Fuhrman and JJ Zimmerman. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier, 2017. Pp. 112-121.
- Diekema DS. Payments for Participation of Children in Research. Chapter in: Kodish E and Nelson RM, editors. Ethics and Research with Children: A Case-Based Approach, 2nd Edition. New York: Oxford University Press, 2018.
- Francis L, Botkin J, Diekema D. Medical Decision-Making on Behalf of Children in the Research and Clinical Context: A US Perspective. Chapter 9 in: Medical Decision-Making on Behalf of Young Children: A Comparative Perspective, Eds. Goold I, Auckland C, Herring J. London, England: Hart Publishing, 2020: 87-101.
- Lewis-Newby M, Berkman E, Diekema DS. Ethics in Pediatric Intensive Care. In Fuhrman & Zimmerman’s Pediatric Critical Care, 6th Edition. Editors: Zimmerman JJ, Rotta AT. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier, 2021:144-153.
- Diekema DS, Hester DM. Ethical Issues in Pediatrics (Chapter 19). In Guidance for Healthcare Ethics Committees, 2nd Edition. Eds DM Hester and T Schonfeld. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2022. Pp 165-174.
- Diekema DS, Creati M. Chapter 9: Decision-making with Adolescents. In: Deciding with Children in Pediatrics: Childrens Participation in Healthcare Decision-making. Eds. Massie J, Hall G, Gillam L. In Press.
- Bouma H, Diekema D, Langerak E, Rottman T, & Verhey A. Christian Faith, Health, and Medical Practice. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1989.
- Diekema DS, Mercurio MR, & Adam MB, eds. Clinical Ethics in Pediatrics: A Case-based Textbook. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2011.
Other Publications:
- Diekema DS. Review of Biblical/Medical Ethics: The Christian and the Practice of Medicine by Franklin E. Payne. Calvin Theological Journal 1987; 22: 312-15.
- Diekema DS. Book Review of The Giving and Taking of Life: Essays Ethical by James T. Burtchaell. Calvin Theological Journal 1991; 26: 199-203.
- Diekema DS. Is Roe v. Wade Obsolete? The Banner 1992; (January 20): 8-9.
- Diekema DS. Age-Based Rationing and Women [Letter]. JAMA 1992; 267: 1612.
- Diekema DS. Waiting for Miracles: Two Cases. The Banner 1992; (September 7): 11.
- Diekema DS, E Marcuse. Patient Instruction Handout: Cryptosporidiosis. Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal 1992; 11: 689-90.
- Diekema DS. Book Review of Let's Talk: An Honest Conversation on Critical Issues by C. Everett Koop and Timothy Johnson and When is it Right to Die? by Joni Eareckson Tada. The Banner 1993; (March 15): 12-13.
- Diekema DS. Book Review of Politically Correct Death: Answering Arguments for Abortion Rights by Francis J. Beckwith. The Banner 1993, (November 8): 17.
- Diekema DS. Commentary: Consent for Studies that do not Increase Patient Risk. AAP Grand Rounds 1999; 1(4): 33.
- Annunziato D, Diekema D. Commentary: Effects of Early Parental Employment on Children. AAP Grand Rounds 1999; 1(6): 51.
- Diekema DS. Children First: Reforming the Health Care System for Children. In Children Our Future: Ethics, Health Policy, Medical/Dental Care for Children, Proceedings of a Conference, April 3-4, 1998, Seattle,WA. Mouradian WE, Editor. Olympia, WA: Washington State Department of Health, 1999: 61-62.
- Diekema DS. Commentary: Differences in Preferences for Neonatal Outcomes. AAP Grand Rounds 1999; 2(3): 29-30.
- Diekema DS. Point/Counterpoint: It’s wrong to treat VIPs better than other patients. ED Management 2000; 12: 92-93.
- Diekema DS. Devotional: Following Christ. In My Heart I Offer. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2001.
- Editor’s Note. Adherence to Advance Directives: Editor’s Note. AAP Grand Rounds 2004; 11 (2): 22.
- Editor’s Note. Penicillin for Strep Throats Reconsidered: Editor’s Note. AAP Grand Rounds 2004; 11 (3): 25-26.
- Editor’s Note. Growth hormone effects on adult height in idiopathic short stature. AAP Grand Rounds 2005; 13(1): 2-3.
- Diekema D. Caught in a tight spot. Book review of Between a Rock and a Hard Place by Aron Ralston. Washington Trails 2005; 41(1): 39.
- Diekema DS. Ethics in Medicine: Cross-Cultural Issues/Diverse Beliefs. [On-line]. (1997, revised 2005).
- Diekema DS. Ethics in Medicine: Parental Decision-making. [On-line]. (1997, revised 2005).
- Diekema DS. Ethics in Medicine: Mistakes. [On-line]. (1998, revised 2005).
- Diekema DS. Worksheet 180A: Family Presence at Resuscitation (Peer-reviewed evidence evaluation worksheet). 2005 International Consensus on CPR and ECC Science with Treatment Recommendations. Circulation 2005; 112 (Supplement I): III-100.
- Diekema DS. Worksheet 197C: Sodium Bicarbonate in Tricyclic-antidepressant Overdose (Peer-reviewed evidence evaluation worksheet). 2005 International Consensus on CPR and ECC Science with Treatment Recommendations. Circulation 2005; 112 (Supplement I): III-25.
- Diekema DS. Worksheet 197A: Sodium Bicarbonate in Calcium Channel Blocker Overdose (Peer-reviewed evidence evaluation worksheet). 2005 International Consensus on CPR and ECC Science with Treatment Recommendations. Circulation 2005; 112 (Supplement I): III-25.
- Diekema DS. Worksheet 197B: Sodium Bicarbonate in Hypermagnesemia (Peer-reviewed evidence evaluation worksheet). 2005 International Consensus on CPR and ECC Science with Treatment Recommendations. Circulation 2005; 112 (Supplement I): III-
- Diekema DS. Worksheet 34: Sodium Bicarbonate in Prolonged Pediatric Resusciation (Peer-reviewed evidence evaluation worksheet). 2005 International Consensus on CPR and ECC Science with Treatment Recommendations. Circulation 2005; 112 (Supplement I): III-73-90.
- Editor’s Note. Anorexics’ participation in exercise programs: ethical dilemmas. AAP Grand Rounds 2005; 13 (5): 58-59.
- Editor’s Note. Sunflower Seed Oil Reduces Nosocomial Infections in Premature Infants. AAP Grand Rounds 2005; 14 (1): 10-11.
- Diekema D. Where to Hike with Kids. Book review of Best Hikes with Kids: Western Washington & the Cascades by Joan Burton. Washington Trails 2006; 42(6): 35.
- Diekema D, Stapleton B. Current Controversies in Pediatric Research Ethics: Proceedings Introduction. J. Pediatr (Supplement) 2006; 149(1): S1-S2.
- Gunther DF, Diekema DS. Disabling Children with Disabilities—Reply to 3 letters to the editor. Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine 2007; 161: 419-420.
- Gunther DF, Diekema DS. Reply to letter to the editor: Growth Attenuation: Unjustifiable Non-therapy. Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine 2007 161: 521-522.
- Committee on Ethics (Diekema Primary Author), American College of Obstetrics & Gynecology. Medical Futility. Obstet Gynecol 2007; 109: 791-794.
- Diekema DS. Avalanche on the Rails. Book review of The White Cascade: The Great Northern Railway Disaster and America’s Deadliest Avalanche By Gary Krist. Washington Trails 2007; 42(5):
- Gunther DF, Diekema DS. Reply to letter to the editor: Only Half the Story. Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine 2007; 161: 616.
- Diekema D. Trail Book. Book Review of Smithsonian Field Guide to the Birds of North America by Ted Floyd. Washington Trails 2008;44(6): 8.
- Diekema D. Greatest Hits: Most Exhilarating Summit. Washington Trails 2010; 46 (4): 7.
- Diekema DS. During cardiac arrest in infants or children, does the presence of family members during the resuscitation compared to their absence improve patient or family outcome measures. American Heart Association Pediatric Evidence Review 2010.
- Diekema DS. Reasons to think twice before calling CPS about morbid obesity. AAP Grand Rounds 2011; 26(4): 48.
- Wilfond BS, Magnus D, et al. The OHRP and SUPPORT (Letter). New England Journal of Medicine 2013; e36 (3). DOI: 10.1056/NEJMc1307008.
- Gliklich R, Dreyer N, Leavy M, eds. Registries for Evaluating Patient Outcomes: A User’s Guide. Third edition. Two volumes. (Prepared by the Outcome DEcIDE Center [Outcome Sciences, Inc., a Quintiles company] under Contract No. 290 2005 00351 TO7.) AHRQ Publication No. 13(14)-EHC111. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. April 2014. Reviewer for Chapter 8: Informed Consent for Registries
- Marcuse EK, Diekema DS, Opel DJ. Letter to the Editor: Allow only valid medical exemptions to measles immunizations. Seattle Times. February 10, 2015. Appeared in print edition February 11, 2015.
- Diekema D. Bartholome Award Presentation: Revisiting Assent in Pediatric Research and Clinical Practice. American Academy of Pediatrics Section on Bioethics Newsletter 2015; Spring:10-14.
- Diekema D. Camera Bag: 5 Tips for Better Landscapes. Washington Trails 2015; 50(2): 39.
- Diekema D. Camera Bag: 6 Tactful Touch-ups. Washington Trails 2015; 50(4): 42.
- Diekema D. OMG What R They Thinking: Adolescent Brain Development, Risk Assessment, and Decision-making. Pediatric Ethicscope (Children’s National Medical Center) 2016; 28(1 & 2): 8-16.
- Diekema D. When Parents and Providers Disagree: Understanding and Responding to Conflicts in the Care of Children. Pediatric Ethicscope (Children’s National Medical Center) 2016; 28(1 & 2): 22-31.
- Diekema D. Revisiting Assent in Pediatric Research and Clinical Practice. Pediatric Ethicscope (Children’s National Medical Center) 2016; 28(1 & 2): 32-39.
- Manwill B, Diekema D. Trail Mix Gear Closet: Rain Gear. Washington Trails 2016; 51(1): 24-25.
- Diekema D. Trail Mix Gear Shop: Toasty Treads. Washington Trails 2016; 51(1): 26.
- Diekema D. Trail Mix Gear Shop: Clean Drinking. Washington Trails 2016; 51 (2): 38.
- Diekema D. Trail Mix Camera Bag: Outdoor Cameras. Washington Trails 2016; 51 (2): 40.
- Boschetto E, Diekema D, Manwill B. Overby C. Gear up: Washington Trails Annual Gear Guide. Washington Trails 2016;51 (3): 34-39.
- Diekema D. Trail Mix Gear Shop: Buying Green. Washington Trails 2016; 51 (4): 42.
- Diekema D. Trail Mix Gear Shop: Trail Tech. Washington Trails 2016;51(5):36.
- Diekema D. Trail Mix Camera Bag: Light it up. Washington Trails 2016;51(5):39.
- Diekema D. Trail Mix Camera Bag: Snowy & Stunning. Washington Trails 2017;52(1):25.
- Diekema D. Trail Mix Camera Bag: Photography on a Budget. Washington Trails 2017;52(3):39.
- Jecker N, Wightman A, Rosenberg A, Diekema D. Breakthrough Immunotherapies seem like a Dream Come True for Children with Leukemia. BMJ Blogs: Journal of Medical Ethics blog. Posted April 17, 2017. At:
- Diekema D. Medical Mishaps: How to avoid them—and what to do if an accident happens. Washington Trails 2017; 52(4): 31-32.
- Shah SK, Rosenberg AR, Diekema DS. Opinion: The tragic Charlie Gard case and what we can learn from it. The Seattle Times 2017; August 13, 2017:A19.
- Diekema DS. Trail Mix Camera Bag: Protect your Photos. Washington Trails 2017;52(5):34.
- Shah SK, Rosenberg AR, Diekema DS. Charlie Gard and the limits of the Harm Principle--Reply. JAMA Pediatrics 2018; 172(3):301. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2017.5053.
- Diekema D. Trail Mix: Camera Bag: Prettier in the Rain. Washington Trails 2017;53(1):26.
- Diekema DS. Trail Mix Camera Bag: Floral Beauty. Washington Trails 2018;53(3):39.
- Jecker NJ, Wightman AG, Rosenberg AR, Diekema DS. Fairly Allocating Space in an Immunotherapy Production Facility: Reply to Critics. American Journal of Bioethics 2018; 18(5):W9-W12. DOI:10.1080/15265161.2018.1452994.
- Diekema D. Trail Mix: Camera Bag: How to tell a story with your photos. Washington Trails 2018;53(6):43.
- Diekema D. Trail Mix: Camera Bag: Time and Photography. Washington Trails 2019; 54(2):39.
- Marcuse EK, Opel DJ, Diekema D. Opinion: Implementing HB 1638 in Your Practice. Washington Chapter American Academy of Pediatrics Developments. 2019 (May):
- Marcuse EK, Opel DJH, Diekema DS. When a parent requests a vaccine exemption, what will you do? AAP News 2019; 40(7):11.
- Diekema D. Trail Mix: Camera Bag: Focus on Hidden Landscapes. Washington Trails 2019; 54(4):47.
- Diekema D. Trail Mix: Camera Bag. 5 Tips for Great Kid Photos. Washington Trails 2020;55(1):40.
- Berkman E, Diekema DS. Cracks in the System: Lessons Learned from the Covid-19 Pandemic. Hastings Center Bioethics Forum 2020. Posted June 26, 2020. At:
- Wightman A, Diekema D. Introduction to Supplement: Defining Cases in Pediatric Bioethics. Pediatrics 2021;146(2, Supplement 1): e20200818B. DOI:
- Opel DJ, Diekema DS, Ross LF. Reply: Speed, Safety, and a COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for Children. JAMA Pediatrics 2021. Published online February 8, 2021.
- Diekema D. Trail Mix. Camera Bag. Phone Cameras: Pros and Cons. Washington Trails 2020; 55(4):42-43.
- Diekema D. Trail Mix. Camera Bag. See the World in a New Way: How photography can deepen your connections to the nature around you. Washington Trails 2021; 56(2):40-41.
- Opel DJ, Ross LF, Diekema DS. Vaccine Mandates for Kids: The Question isn’t Whether, but When. Hastings Center Bioethics Forum 2021.
- Diekema D. Trail Mix. Camera Bag. Photography and the Future of Trails. Washington Trails 2021;56(4):46-47.
- Diekema D. Trail Mix. Camera Bag: Don’t Miss the Shot! Washington Trails 2022;57(2):42-43.
- Diekema D. Paradise Above the Clouds. In: Honorable Mention: 5 Northwest Exposure favorites from WTA’s photo judges. Washington Trails 2022; 57(3):49.
- Diekema D. Together on Trail. Washington Trails 2023;58(1):51.
- Diekema D. Trail Mix Camera Bag. Getting Closer to Nature. Washington Trails 2023; 58(2):40-41 (also photo page 4).
- Diekema D. Trail Mix Camera Bag. The Big Picture on Wide-Angle Photography. Washington Trails 2024; 59(2):38-39.
- Diekema D. End of Day, Kenmore Logboom Park. February 2025. Washington State Employees Credit Union Calendar (Contest Winner).
Educational Materials and Podcasts
- Diekema D, Slavin S, Wilkes M and the ELSI Genetics Task Force. Doctoring 3 Faculty Guide: Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (Case 6). UC-Davis Doctoring Program 2005.
- PALS Subcommittee 2006-2007. Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) Course. Dallas, TX: American Heart Association, 2006. Materials include Provider Manual, Instructor Manual, Course Guide, Student CD, Instructor CD, Course CD, and Course Materials.
- Ethical and Legal Aspects of CPR in Children (Primary Author) in PALS Subcommittee 2006-2007. Pediatric Advanced Life Support Course Student CD. Dallas, TX: American Heart Association, 2006.
- Diekema DS (Script and Content Author). Androgen Insensitivity Module (Web-based Instructional Module). Ethical Legal and Social Issues in Genetics Project. At
- Podcast. Vaccine Refusals: What are the Issues? Contemporary Pediatrics Radio 2007.
- PALS Subcommittee 2006-2007 and 2007-2008. Pediatric Emergency Assessment, Recognition, and Stabilization (PEARS) Course. Dallas, TX: American Heart Association, 2007. Materials include Provider Manual, Instructor Manual, Course Guide, Student CD, Instructor CD, Course CD, and Course Materials.
- Diekema DS (Content Author), End of Life e-doctoring curriculum (Web-based instructional modules funded by National Cancer Institute). UC-Davis e-doctoring program, 2009.
- Diekema DS, Fleck LM, Krug EF, Levetown M, Menikoff JA, Moseley KL. American Board of Pediatrics Bioethics Annotated Bibliography, 2007-2013. Available as pdf on American Board of Pediatrics website.
- Adam MB, Diekema DS, Mercurio MR, eds. American Academy of Pediatrics Bioethics Resident Curriculum: Case-Based Teaching Guides, 2011.
- Diekema DS (Moderator), Ross LF, Mercurio MR. Pediatric Ethics: Doing the Right Thing. Pediatric Update 2012; 32(7).
- Allen DB, Diekema DS, Sandberg D. Growth Hormone and Genetic Short Stature. PREP Audio 2012 (October); 7(10).
- Diekema DS. Recent Articles that may Change the Way you Practice. Audio Digest 2014 (August 28); 60(32).
- Section on Bioethics, American Academy of Pediatrics. Diekema DS, Leuthner SR, Vizcarrondo FE, eds. American Academy of Pediatrics Bioethics Resident Curriculum: Case-Based Teaching Guides. Revised 2017.
- Podcast. Ethics in the Era of Opioid Epidemic and Marijuana Legalization. Pedia Pain Focus. Moderated by Anjana Kundu, MD. June 25, 2018. Available on Apple Podcasts.
- Podcast. The Ethics Toolkit: Harm Principle. Essential Ethics Podcast. Moderated by John Massie. March 15, 2020. Available on Apple Podcasts.
- Podcast. Planning for Covid in Washington State. Pediatric Ethics Podcast. March 21, 2020.
Submitted Manuscripts
- Lee BM, Diekema DS. Religious, Cultural and Philosophical Objections to Care (Module 5). In, Allison Lyle eds. American Academy of Pediatrics Ethics Resident Curriculum: Case-Based Teaching Guides. 3rd Edition. Revised and Submitted 2023.
- Hester DM, Salter E, Diekema DS, Lang KR. Parents (of Minors) are Not Surrogates: Acknowledging (Finally) the Unique Moral Space of Parents. Submitted to Hastings Center Report..
- Peterson AR, LaBella, CR, Zonfrillo MR, Diekema DS, Lawrence TR, Torres AR, Silva F, DeBerg J. Tackling in American Youth Football. American Academy of Pediatric Policy Statement. Pediatrics Submitted 2024.
- Jennings LN, Escandon R, Diekema DS, Johnson LM. Greater than Minimal Risk, No Direct Benefit: A Narrative Review of Federally Referred Pediatric Research. Submitted to JAMA Pediatrics
- Ayar H, Navin M, Diekema DS. Cyberbullying and Children’s Health: Reimagining the Pediatrician’s Role and AAP Policy. Pediatrics. Submitted.
Published Abstracts:
- Diekema DS, L Quan, and VL Holt. Epilepsy as a Risk Factor for Submersion Injury in Children. AJDC 1992; 146: 478. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the Ambulatory Pediatric Association, May 5, 1992, Baltimore, MD and at the American Academy of Pediatrics, Fall Meeting 1992, San Francisco, CA.
- Diekema, DS, L Quan, P Cummings. The Educational Bypass: Are Children of Physicians Treated Differently in the Emergency Department. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 1994; 148: P98.
- Diekema, DS, M DelBeccaro, P Cummings, L Quan. Physician Parent Utilization of the Pediatric Emergency Room. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 1995; 149: P98. Poster presentation at the Annual meeting of the Ambulatory Pediatric Association, May 10, 1995, San Diego, CA.
- Smith S, KA Edwards, DS Diekema, CH Braddock. Medical ethics in the pediatric clerkship: curriculum development and evaluation. Pediatr Res 2000; 47: 98A.
- Paris CA, DS Diekema, J Waldhausen, D Brownstein. Abdominal pain in the pediatric emergency department (ED): prevalence of appendicitis and accuracy of physician diagnosis. Pediatr Res 2000; 47: 114A.
- Paris CA, B Coleman, D Diekema, D Brownstein. Coping with Copes: Predicting Appendicitis in Children with Readily Available Information. Pediatr Res 2004; 55 (4 Suppl): 106A.
- Stephens BD, DS Diekema, EJ Klein. Recreational Injuries in Washington State National Parks. Pediatr Res 2004; 55 (4 Suppl): 131A.
- Stephens BD, DS Diekema, EJ Klein. Recreational Injuries in Washington State National Parks. Wilderness & Environmental Medicine 2005; 16 (1): 57.
- Johnson E, Lewis-Newby M, Diekema D, King M. Regional Provider Opinion on Triage of Pediatric Patients During Emergency Mass Critical Care. Critical Care Medicine 2012;40(12):1-328.
- Taub S, Macauley RC, Serna FF, Diekema DS. To Forgo or not to Forgo: Nutrition and Hydration in a Child Perceived to be Suffering Inordinately by Parents. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 2020;59(2):436.
Published Photography
- Diekema DS. Cover Photograph: Grand Haven Light. West J Med 2000; 172 (5): Cover, 290.
- Diekema DS. Medicine for what ails you. West J Med 2000; 172 (6): 424.
- Diekema DS. Mt. Rainier. West J Med 2000; 172 (6): 399.
- Diekema DS. Fall colors on cascade trail. West J Med 2000; 173 (5): 294.
- Diekema DS. Spring flowers along trail. West J Med 2000; 173 (5): 348.
- Diekema DS. Yosemite fall. West J Med 2000; 173 (5): 349.
- Diekema DS. Enchantment Lakes Larch. West J Med 2000; 173(6): 420.
- Diekema DS. Green Lake Sunset. West J Med 2000; 173(6): 421.
- Diekema D. Photos in Washington Trails Magazine (Trip Reports & Trail Conditions): Necklace Valley (June 2004; Vol. 40(5): 38), Mount Index (June 2004; Vol. 40(5): 41), Dungeness Spit (June 2004; Vol. 4(5): 44), Night Hiking (August 2004; Vol.40(7): 7), Easy Pass (August 2004; Vol.40(7): 32), High Alpine Tarn, Gothic Basin (Nov/Dec 2004; Vol. 40(10): 34), Mazama Ridge, Mt. Rainier National Park (Jan/Feb 2005; Vol 41(1): 46), Mount Rainier from Spray Park (July 2005; Vol. 41 (6): 4), Glacier Basin (July 2005; Vol. 41 (6): 4), View of Necklace Valley (July 2005; Vol. 41 (6): 4), Cape Alava Petroglyphs (August 2005; Vol 41 (7): 41), Gothic Basin (October 2005; Vol 41 (9): 35), Lake Chelan Lakeshore Trail (Nov/Dec 2005; Vol 41(10): 33), Janus Lake (Nov/Dec 2005; Vol 41(10): 42), Cutthroat Pass (Aug 2006; Vol 41 (7): 36), Hoh River Trail (Aug 2006; Vol 41 (7): 45), Family Hike at Lake Valhalla (Sept 2006; Vol 41 (8): 35; Opal Lake in Necklace Valley (Aug 2007; Vol 42 (7): 39); Chelan Lakeshore (May 2008; Vol 44 (4): 9; Hiker on Prince Creek Dock (June 2008; Vol 44(5): 41); Mt. Baring and Barclay Lake (August 2008; Vol 44(7): 36); Heybrook Lookout (May/June 2010; Vol 46(3): 39); Easy Pass (Nov/Dec 2010; Vol 46(6): 39; Mt. Rainier Climbers (May/June 2011; Vol 47(3):5); Black Bear (Nov/Dec 2012; 48(6): 37); Iron Goat Trail (Mar-April 2013; Vol 49(2): 41); Ozette Triangle (Mar/Apr 2014; 49.1(2):51); Lake Ann (May/June 2014; 49.1(3): 54); Goat Lake (Jul/Aug 2014; 49.1(4):37); Spider Meadow-Buck Creek Loop (Jul/Aug 2014; 49.1(4):58, 59); Venus and Spade Lakes (Jul/Aug 2014; 49.1(4):2); Peggy’s Pond (Mar/Apr 2018; 53(2):9); Skunk Cabbage (Mar/Apr 2018; 53(2):50); Flower Dome (May/June 2018; 53(3): 4).
- Diekema D. Beaver Creek. Endangered Trails 2004: A Report of the Washington Trails Association, Seattle, WA: Washington Trails Association, 2004, p. 19.
- Diekema D. Takhlakh Lake. The Forgotten Forest: Exploring the Gifford Pinchot: A Publication of the Washington Trails Association. Seattle, WA: Washington Trails Association, 2005, p. 23.
- Diekema D. Mt. Baker from Skyline Ridge. “Wild in Washington”, Washington Trails 2005; 41 (10, Nov/Dec): 17-24. Photo on 21.
- Diekema D. Mt. Baker from Skyline Divide. “2006 Northwest Exposure Photo Contest Winners (Third Prize Landscape)”, Washington Trails 2006; 42(1): 26.
- Diekema D. Young Hiker on Ptarmigan Ridge Trail; Mt. Baker and Ptarmigan Ridge. “Whatcom County Wandering”, Washington Trails 2006; 42(5): 20, 21.
- Diekema D. Photo illustrating: “Frequently Asked Questions: Answers to women’s common hiking questions.” Washington Trails 2007; 42(4): 24.
- Diekema D. “Hiker and Mt. Ruth.” Posterized version of photo used for full page Hike-a-Thon ad. Washington Trails 2009; 44(5): 47 (inside back cover).
- Diekema D. “Youth and Families: Let it Snow.” Two photos illustrating text. Washington Trails 2009; 45(6): 34-35.
- Diekema D. “Orcas Island”. Illustrating text for “Exploring Washington’s Geology.” Washington Trails 2010; 46(2): 20.
- Diekema D. Table of Contents page. Washington Trails 2010; 46 (4): 2.
- Diekema D. “Mt. Rainier from Goat Rocks”. Illustrating “Best of the Crest: Hikers weigh in on their favorite day hikes and backpacks on Washington’s Pacific Crest Trail”. Washington Trails 2011; 47(4): 22.
- Diekema D. “Dry Falls Natural Heritage Area Panorama,” Illustrating “Coulee Country-a Trip thru Time”, Washington Trails 2012; 48(3): 28-29. Also
“Petroglyphs at Ginko Petrified Forest State Park”, p. 30. - Diekema D. “Goat Rocks from Old Snowy,” Illustrating “Reader’s Choice Backpacks.” Washington Trails 2012; 48(6):28-29.
- Diekema D. “Cruising Jack’s Trail,” Illustrating “Hit the Tracks.” Washington Trails 2013; 49(1): 16-17.
- Diekema D. “Klapatche Park,” Illustrating “Epic Trails: The Wonderland, Mt. Rainier’s Crown Gem.” Washington Trails 2013: 49(1): 32.
- Diekema D. “Boy and Dog on Lake 22 Trail,” Illustrating “Wagging the Trail.” Washington Trails 2013; 49(2):25.
- Diekema D. Cascade Pass Photo illustrating “Northwest National Parks.” Washington Trails 2013; 49(4):18.
- Diekema D. Backpacker at Seven Lakes Basin illustrating Washington Trails Day Promotion. Washington Trails 2013; 49(4):15.
- Diekema D. WTA’s Top 100: Photos 44, 51, 53, 65, and 66. Washington Trails 2013; 49 (6): 20-41.
- Diekema D. National Park Inn, Longmire. Illustrating Winter Wonderland. Washington Trails 2014; 49.1(1): 22.
- Diekema D. Copper Ridge. November, Washington Trails Northwest Exposure 2014 Calendar.
- Diekema D. Copper Ridge, Mt. Baker. Illustrating Hike the State Promotion. Washington Trails 2014; 49.1(3): Back Page
- Diekema D. Hiking Rocks (7 photos illustrating feature article). Washington Trails 2014; 49.1(4):21.
- Diekema D. Two photos (Skokomish Wilderness, Goat Rocks Wilderness) illustrating article on The Future of Wilderness. Washington Trails 2014; 49.1(5):22.
- Diekema D. Epic Trails. Four Photos Illustrating Washington Trails Special Issue. 2015. Pp. 21,26,27,30.
- Diekema D. Five photos illustrating “Walking with Wildlife” Feature. Washington Trails 2015; 50(3):20-23.
- Diekema D. Photo of Miner’s Ridge illustrating feature article “Return to Glacier Peak.” Washington Trails 2015; 50(4-Jul/Aug): 20-21.
- Diekema D. Photo of Cathedral Rock illustrating feature article “Get some Air.” Washington Trails 2015; 50(5-Sept/Oct): 40-41.
- Diekema D. Photo of Goat Peak Lookout illustrating “Peaceful Retreat”. Washington Trails 2017;52(5):41.
- Diekema D. Photo of Camp at Kool-Aid Lake in Table of Contents. Washington Trails 2018;53(1):4.
- Diekema D. Photo from Artist point as two-page background to article “Mind & Body: What Hiking does for your Mental and Physical Health”. Washington Trails 2018; 53(2):18-19.
- Diekema D. Photo of Coffee-Drinker in Denali National Park. Table of Contents. Washington Trails 2019; 54(2):4.
- Diekema D. Photo of White Cliffs, Hanford Reach National Monument. Washington Trails 2020;55(1):51.
- Diekema. Photos of Hiker on Logs, Blanca Lake, Alpine Lakes Wilderness. Washington Trails 2020;55(3):30.
- Diekema. Two photos illustrating “Then and Now: When it comes to hiking gear, I don’t long for yesteryear.” Washington Trails 2022;57(3):34-37.
Posters (Unpublished)
- Shugerman RP, HA McPhillips, D Diekema, WS Swanson, D Opel, S Archibald, J Weldin. Professionalism and the Match. Association of Pediatric Program Directors/PAS 2006 Annual Meeting. April 28, 2006; San Francisco, CA.
Courses Taught
News & Events
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