Trauma Informed Care | Harborview Ethics Forum

Wednesday, April 10, 2024 - 12:00 to 13:00
Alexandra Hernandez

The Bioethics and Humanities department presents a Harborview Ethics Forum presentation by Dr. Alexandra Hernandez, MD, MCR on "Trauma Informed Care." This presentation will review the definitions of trauma and trauma informed care and discuss ways in which we can apply trauma informed care in our daily practice. Dr. Alexandra Hernandez will also describe the current American College of Surgeons initiative to embed trauma informed care training in trauma centers nationally.


  • Create a shared definition of trauma and trauma informed care
  • Define the six principles of trauma informed care
  • Apply trauma informed care principles to the care of clinical patients

Speaker Bio: Alex Hernandez is currently a University of Washington PGY-4 General Surgery Resident. Originally from Los Angeles, CA, she completed her bachelor’s degree at University of Washington and medical doctorate at Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU). She was introduced to trauma informed care (TIC) as a medical student through work on a TIC in structural competency coursework and in designing a course for surgical interns. As a resident she has been involved in the American College of Surgeon’s Trauma Informed Care curriculum since her first year in residency. She plans to pursue a fellowship in Trauma and Surgical Critical Care after residency.