First Year | Second Year | Third Year | Fourth Year and Beyond
First Year
Rotations: Students are required to complete three rotations during their first year (AUT, WIN and SPR quarters). Students may rotate with any participating BPSD faculty. They need to discuss a prospective rotation project and expectations with the faculty member well in advance. At the end of each rotation, students will present their findings at a quarterly rotation talk seminar. Each rotation advisor will submit a rotation report to the BPSD GPC.
Teaching Assistantship: Students will be advised by the BPSD GPC during Spring Quarter on possible TA assignments for the coming academic year. Additional Department-specific information may also be provided by the student’s thesis supervisor. BPSD students are responsible for arranging their TA assignments by the end of Spring Quarter and reporting this information to the BPSD GPC.
Classes: Students should register for the following classes in addition to electives. During Summer Quarter, XXX should be substituted with the appropriate department based on the advisor’s affiliation (see Faculty and Research Credits): BIOC/BIOEN/B STR/CHEM/MEDCH/PHCOL/PBIO.
Autumn Quarter
- BIOC 530: Protein Structure & Function (3)
- BPSD 540: Literature Review Seminar (2)
- BPSD 520: BPSD/MBTG Seminar (1 CR/NC)
- BIOC 533: Grant Writing Seminar (1 CR/NC)
- BPSD 599: Rotation Research (5 CR/NC)
Winter Quarter
- BPSD 541: Literature Review Seminar (2)
- BPSD 520: BPSD/MBTG Seminar (1 CR/NC)
- BPSD 599: Rotation Research (5 CR/NC)
- BIOC 533: Ethics 101 (1 CR/NC)
- Additional Elective Classes
Spring Quarter
- BPSD 542: Literature Review Seminar (2)
- BPSD 520: BPSD/MBTG Seminar (1 CR/NC)
- BPSD 599: Rotation Research (5 CR/NC)
- Additional Elective Classes
Summer Quarter
- XXX 600: Research (2 CR/NC)
- BRI Series (Required: 3 lectures and 1 discussion section)
Fellowships: Apply for fellowships. There is a list on the Downloads & Links page, but it is by no means exhaustive.
Second Year
Teaching Assistantship: Students are required to TA for two quarters during their second year.
Classes: Students should register for the following classes in addition to electives. XXX should be substituted with the appropriate department based on the advisor’s affiliation (see Faculty and Research Credits): BIOC/BIOEN/B STR/CHEM/MEDCH/PHCOL/PBIO.
Autumn/Winter/Spring Quarters
- BPSD 520: BMSD/MBTG Seminar (1 CR/NC)
- XXX 600: Thesis Research (10 CR/NC)
Summer Quarter
- XXX 600: Thesis Research (2 CR/NC)
Third Year
General Exam: As part of the BPSD curriculum, all students must have completed 21 numerically graded credits prior to taking the General Exam. All BPSD students will follow their degree granting program’s committee formation and general exam format requirements. BPSD students are required to take their general exam no later than the end of spring quarter of the third year. For more detailed information, see General Exam.
Classes: Students should register for the following classes. Before passing their General Exam, students register for XXX 600; thereafter, they register for XXX 800. XXX should be substituted with the appropriate department based on the advisor’s affiliation (see Faculty and Research Credits): BIOC/BIOEN/B STR/CHEM/MEDCH/PHCOL/PBIO.
Autumn/Winter/Spring Quarters
- BPSD 520: BPSD/MBTG Seminar (1 CR/NC)
- XXX 600/800: Thesis Research (10 CR/NC)
Summer Quarter
- XXX 600/800: Thesis Research (2 CR/NC)
Fourth Year and Beyond
Final Exam: Students generally take their final exam during the 6th year. For more detailed information, see Thesis & Dissertation.
Classes: Students should register for the following classes. Before passing their General Exam, students register for XXX 600; thereafter, they register for XXX 800. XXX should be substituted with the appropriate department based on the advisor’s affiliation (see Faculty and Research Credits): BIOC/BIOEN/B STR/CHEM/MEDCH/PHCOL/PBIO.
Autumn/Winter/Spring Quarters
- BPSD 520: BPSD/MBTG Seminar (1 CR/NC)
- XXX 600/800: Thesis Research (10 CR/NC)
Summer Quarter
- XXX 600/800: Thesis Research (2 CR/NC)