Recent Publications

This is a selection in no particular order. For more information about the research activities of specific faculty, please visit their bio pages.


E. Scott Adler and John D. Wilkerson, 2012, Congress and the Politics of Problem Solving. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Rebecca U. Thorpe, (Forthcoming 2013), The Warfare State: Perpetuating the U.S. Military Economy. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

John Gastil and John Wilkerson, “Staying Focused: Tracing the flow of ideas from the Online Parliament to Canberra” (in press) in Lyn Carson and John Gastil eds. The Australian Citizens’ Parliament and the Future of Deliberative Democracy. Penn State University Press.

“Textual Predictors of Bill Survival in Congressional Committees” 2012 (June). Proceedings of the Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics. (with Noah Smith and Tae Yano, Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University.)

“Tradeoffs in Accuracy and Efficiency in Supervised Learning Methods” 2012. Journal of Information Technology and Politics, 9(3): 298-318. (with Loren Collingwood)

“Rethinking Advanced High School Coursework: Tackling the Depth/Breadth Tension in the AP US Government and Politics Course.” 2011. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 43:4, 533-559 (with John Bransford, Susan Mosborg, Walter Parker, Nancy Vye and Robert Abbott)

“Comparative Studies of Policy Dynamics” 2011. Comparative Political Studies, 44(8): 947-972. (with Frank Baumgartner and Bryan Jones).

James Gimpel, Frances E. Lee and Rebecca U. Thorpe. 2012. “Geographic Distribution of the Federal Stimulus of 2009,” Political Science Quarterly, 127: 567-595.

Jim Gimpel, Frances Lee, and Rebecca Thorpe, “The Wellsprings of Candidate Emergence: The Distinctive Origins of Statewide Candidates” Political Geography, February 2011.

Rebecca Thorpe, “The Role of Economic Reliance in Defense Procurement Contracting,” American Politics Research, July 2010.

Chris Koski and Peter May. 2013. “Addressing Public Risks:  Extreme Events and Critical Infrastructures,” Review of Policy Research, 30(2): 139-159

Peter May and Ashley Jochim. 2011. “Constructing Homeland Security:  An Anemic Regime,” Policy Studies Journal 39(2) 285-307. American Political Science Association, Public Policy Section, Theodore J. Lowi Award for Best Article

Peter May. 2012.  “Public Risks and Disaster Resilience: Rethinking Public and Private Sector Roles” in Naim Kapucu, Christopher V. Hawkins, and Fernando I. Rivera (eds), Disaster Resiliency:  Interdisciplinary Perspectives.  New York:  Routledge Press, pp 126-145.

Peter May and Søren Winter. 2011. “Regulatory Enforcement Styles and Compliance,” In Christine Parker and Viebeke Lehmann Nielsen (Eds.)., Explaining Compliance: Business Responses to Regulation.  Cheltenham, UK & Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 222-244.

Peter May. 2011.“Performance-Based Regulation,” In David Levi-Faur (Ed.), Handbook on the Politics of Regulation.  Cheltenham, UK & Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 373-384.


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