Research resources
UW Positive Research
The UW Positive Research conducts clinical research in order to answer questions about how HIV works and affects the immune system.
UW Positive Research
Current Clinical Trials under CFAS
Excellent resource for current clinical trials under CFAS.
CFAS Clinical Trials
UW/Fred Hutch Center for AIDS Research (CFAR)
CFAR is an NIH-funded grant that provides infrastructure services and funding support for multidisciplinary research related to HIV/AIDS.
Sexually Transmitted Infections Cooperative Research Center (STI CRC)
Planning and coordinating research efforts on sexually transmitted infections.
HIV Vaccine Trials Network (HVTN)
The HIV Vaccine Trials Network (HVTN) is an international collaboration of scientists and educators searching for an effective and safe HIV vaccine.
Virology Research Clinic
The UW Virology Research Clinic was established in 1973 to conduct research on sexually transmitted infections.