Upcoming Events
Annual Training Program Retreat
Every year, the Training Grant hosts an Annual Training Program Retreat off-site. All trainees will give a 20 minute presentations on their work in progress, followed by 10 minutes for questions. Free time is available for hiking and social interactions.
Annual Principles of STI/HIV Research and Public Health Practice Course
The annual course on Principles of STD and HIV Research and Public Health Practice is a three-week, intensive cross-disciplinary overview of the skills needed to pursue a research career in the field of STD and HIV. It takes place during the first three weeks of July. Course faculty are international leaders in the field of STD/HIV research and come from the University of Washington as well other research institutions in Seattle and across the globe.
Surviving and Thriving during the Research Years
This annual UW Department of Medicine workshop is held each summer and covers skills necessary for academic success, such as grant writing, scientific writing, oral presentation, and job negotiations. The course is designed for research fellows and is open to fellows and junior faculty from all departments. The course is directed by Dr. Ellen Schur (General Internal Medicine) and Dr. Thomas Hawn (Allergy and Infectious Diseases). All STD & AIDS TG trainees are welcome to register.
Co-hosted by the UW/Fred Hutch Center for AIDS Research (CFAR), the symposium is our premier showcase for featuring emerging HIV and STD research talent within our community. The 2023 symposium marks 20 years of the conference, and we are delighted that this year we will be able to reconvene both in person and virtually as a hybrid event. For further information, see the CFAR website.
The Center for AIDS and STD (CFAS) speaker series aims to provide a forum to showcase new research on sexually transmitted infections, with additional priorities of highlighting junior faculty and creating opportunities for cross-discipline collaborations between basic scientists, clinical researchers, and epidemiologists. The CFAS speaker series meets the third Thursday of the month during the academic year, October through June, with breaks during major holidays.
Please email cfas@uw.edu for further questions
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