Visiting Spiritual Practitioners & Clergy

Our multi-tradition core team of spiritual care providers are trained as specialists in healthcare ministry, caring for people in the unique environment of the hospital.  They are interns, residents, or past participants in our CPE program which is accredited by the Association for Clinical Pastoral Education, respecting the faith, beliefs and values of every patient and family.

Please let us know how we can partner with you in supporting your members.  We may be able to:

  • Visit a patient when you are not available
  • Collaborate with you to create the best possible spiritual care plan for a patient
  • Help you convey information to the medical staff about issues relevant to the patient’s spiritual condition
  • Pray or reflect with you for your own support

Please be aware that while you may share your members’ needs with us, we may not be able to share information with you because of confidentiality rules mandated by HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, 2003).  Similarly, please respect your members’ wishes and ask them before you share information about their hospitalization with others in your congregation.

We are available at Harborview 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  To contact us, call the hospital operator at (206) 744-3000 and ask that the chaplain be paged directly.

Clergy / Spiritual Practitioner Visitation during COVID-19

Harborview recognizes the vital contributions of Community Clergy / Spiritual Practitioners in caring for our patients. During COVID-19, clergy / spiritual practitioner visits are coordinated by Harborview’s Spiritual Care Providers in response to patient requests. Practitioners / clergy must comply with all current hospital screening policies plus requirements for entry and PPE (personal protective equipment).

General Visitation during COVID-19

Harborview and UW Medicine’s patient care philosophy recognizes how much the presence of family and friends can contribute to the healing process. At the same time, in order to protect against the spread of COVID-19, there are times when the number of visitors in the hospital is limited. Current hospital visitation policies and updates are available on the UW Medicine website here.


Harborview does not permit proselytizing or solicitation of any kind.  Visiting room-to-room or visiting patients who are not members of your faith community is not permitted.  Similarly, distributing literature or leaving materials in waiting rooms, restrooms, or other public areas of the hospital is not permitted.  Of course, you are always welcome to use appropriate religious literature when caring for members of your congregation.  The spiritual care office also has a selection of sacred and devotional materials available.


Harborview Medical Center is located in the First Hill neighborhood of Seattle, Washington. A map and directions to Harborview can be found on our Contact & Directions page here.


Park in the P1 (View Park) parking garage to the west of the main hospital.  You may have your parking validated at the Admissions office in the 8th Avenue lobby.  You will be asked to show a photo ID and provide a business card and the name of the patient you are visiting.  If it is after hours and there is no one at the desk, the on-call chaplain will validate your parking. Simply call the hospital operator at (206) 744-3000 and ask for the chaplain to be paged.

During the Visit

The Information desk in the lobby can help you find a patient’s room number.  Before going to the patient’s room, please check in at the nursing station on the unit.  Staff there can help ensure that the patient is ready for your visit.  Please wash your hands (or use hand sanitizer) before and after each visit and observe any other precautions posted.

Other Useful Areas

The hospital Meditation Room is located on the 4th floor on the west hospital skybridge in room 74.

A 24-hour espresso and snack bar is located next to the Cafeteria in the basement, in the West Hospital wing.

The following books address various aspects of ministry in the hospital.  (They do not necessarily represent the views of Harborview Spiritual Care, but may be useful in your work.)

  • Biddle, Perry H., Jr.  A Hospital Visitation Manual.  Updated and revised ed.  Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1994.
  • Kirkindoll, Michael L.  The Hospital Visit: A Pastor’s Guide.  Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2001.
  • Reimer, Lawrence D., and James T. Wagner.  The Hospital Handbook: A Practical Guide to Hospital Visitation.  Foreword by Wayne E. Oates.  Wilton, CT: Morehouse Barlow, 1984.
  • Holst, Lawrence E., ed.  Hospital Ministry: The Role of the Chaplain Today.  Foreword by Martin E. Marty.  New York: Crossroad, 1985.

If you are willing to serve as a resource for patients of your faith / spiritual tradition, please contact us at (206) 744-2757 or