UW Center for Human Neuroscience

fNIRS System

NIRx NIRSport 2 fNIRS system

Thanks to a Student Technology Fee grant to Carly Gray (supervised by Professor Peter Kahn), a NIRx NIRSport 2 wearable fNIRS system, located in a quiet room in CHN (Kincaid Hall), is available to interested researchers across UW.

Priority is given to undergraduate and graduate student researchers interested in using the system.

The system includes 8 sources and 16 detectors, 16 short separation channels, a mobility pack, the NIRx WINGS system for measuring peripheral physiological signals (e.g., heart rate, body temperature, SpO2, etc.), and data acquisition software (Aurora fNIRS recording software). 

It can record at sampling between 70-240 Hz. Data and event trigger signals may be transmitted via WiFi (for ambulatory recordings) or USB. Data may also be recorded directly to the system.

Nine cap sizes are available between sizes 40-60cm.

Investigators are responsible for obtaining IRB approval. 

To gain access to this resource please email chnadmin@uw.edu and ionefine@uw.edu.

Once approved for using the system you can book time on the calendar here.