We are excited to announce that the Center for Human Neuroscience (CHN) MRI facility is open for research scans!
If you would like a tour of CHN-MRI, or would like to begin setting up a project, please contact our Associate Director, John Pyles at: johnp@uw.edu
CHN-STF STUDENT-LED GRANTS. We are pleased to announce the Center for Human Neuroscience (CHN) has STF funds available for student-led (graduate or undergraduate) projects to obtain scanning hours on the new 3T Siemens Prisma in Kincaid. STF Grants can be used to support a wide range of student-led projects. There is no formal minimum or maximum, but awards will be typically 20-30 hours. We strongly encourage joint graduate/undergraduate collaborations. CHN STF Grant applications are open for submission and will be accepted on a rolling basis. Proposals will be reviewed by a committee of neuroimaging peers. The application form can be downloaded here.
CHN SEED GRANT PROGRAM. We are pleased to announce the Center for Human Neuroscience (CHN) has funds available for Seed Grants to obtain scanning hours on the new 3T Siemens Prisma in Kincaid. Seed Grants can be used to obtain pilot data for early-stage unfunded projects, or to supplement funded projects to increase sample sizes. Typical awards will be 20-30 hours. CHN Seed Grant applications are open for submission and will be accepted on a rolling basis. Proposals will be reviewed by a committee of neuroimaging peers. The application form can be downloaded here.
Updated 9/8/22
- Flywheel Town Hall: We held a very successful virtual town hall with Flywheel, our data MRI data management system. This was a chance to get an overview of Flywheel, see some features, and ask the Flywheel team questions. Join the CHN-MRI mailing list to get the announcement!
- Mock Scanner: Our custom-built mock scanner from PST has been installed! The mock scanner features a motorized table, motion tracking system, simulated scanner sounds, and other features. We also have mock response devices available and will be installing a trigger simulator this fall.
- WIP Sequences: We have a Siemens IDEA research license for the CHN Prisma which allows installation of WIP sequences from peer institutions. Currently installer are: multi-band BOLD & DWI sequences from Univ. of Minnesota and MGH, and UCL MPM (multi-parameter mapping), CMRR PCASL, and ABCD and HCP project sequences including T1/T2 scans with navigator guidance. Please let us know if you have any additional sequence requests, we are happy to facilitate installation.
- Peripheral Equipment: All major peripheral equipment is now installed and tested, including the BOLDscreen 32 display, Current Designs response devices, Eyelink Eyetracker, Optoacoustics noise-cancelling headphones, Siemens pulse and respiratory monitoring, and Sensimetrics earphones. We are also have a BIOPAC physiological monitoring system currently equipped with EDA and electrical stimulation modules. Please contact John if you have interest in the BioPac system or would like to add additional sensors or modules.
- Calendar System: Our Calpendo calendar system is used for scheduling scans, testing rooms, the mock scanner and parking space. Calpendo is also be used for invoicing, and managing project and user records. A Calpendo account will be created for you in the Project Application process.
- Email List: An email list has been set up CHN-MRI. If you would like to be added (or removed) from this list, please email: chn-mri@uw.edu
- Scanning Rate: The current scanning rate (7/1/2022 – 6/30/2023) is $650 per hour.
Please see the CHN Manual for additional details on rates and rate calculation.
- CHN-MRI User Manual (v1.1)
- CHN-MRI Project Application Form (PAF) (v1.1)
- MRI Safety Screening Form (v2.1, used for day-of screening)
- MRI Parent Screening Form (v2.0, used for parents/guardians accompanying underage participants)
- Recommended IRB Protocol Language (Must be logged into UW account)
- Recommended IRB Consent Language (Must be logged into UW account)
- Directions to CHN-MRI Parking Spot
- Seed grant application form
- STF-CHN Student-led projects application form