UW Center for Human Neuroscience

CHN-STF Neuroimaging Collective

The best way to learn and participate in the STF-CHN collective is to take part in this 1 CR class (auditing is fine) or go to the manual page.

What is the CHN-STF Collective?

The goal of the STF-CHN collective is to collect a variety of interesting neuroimaging measures. Students can then design their own questionnaires and send those to the neuroimaging participants. They can then correlate the results of those questionnaires with the neuroimaging measures to explore their own questions about the brain.

Although this is primarily designed to be an undergraduate research opportunity. Masters, PhD and even high school students are welcome to volunteer.

Students volunteer for specific tasks. So you could volunteer to be a participant (be in the scanner for an hour and fill in a bunch of questionnaires). Students who want more involvement can help work on a specific part of the project (e.g. human consent/online questionnaires/data acquisition/data analysis) and gain useful research experience.

Students can do as little or as much as they want, depending on time commitments.

This is an ongoing project, so jump aboard at any time!

If you are interested in being involved please email ionefine@uw.edu