CSCW Student Volunteer Alex

CSCW 2010 student volunteer and CSC Lab member Alex. Photo by Bernie Zang.

Charlotte, Alex and I all attended the ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Savannah, GA a few weeks ago. CSCW focuses on the intersection of technology and collaboration, and is one of the key venues for our work.

Charlotte and I attended a workshop on The Changing Dynamics of Scientific Collaborations. Charlotte was one of the organizers of the workshop, along with Cecilia Aragon, Jeffrey Heer, and Claudio Silva, and we presented a position paper on Stakeholders in Cyberinfrastructure Development. The workshop was a great opportunity to meet some of the other researchers working in this area, and have some important discussions about issues of new forms of participation in science (like citizen science), data sharing and reuse, and diversity in large-scale collaborations.

Alex was a student volunteer at the conference (thus, the snazzy red t-shirt). He also presented a poster with early findings from our work on how people share electronic calendars, Managing Intimacy Using Online Calendar Systems.

There were a lot of great presentations including keynotes by Clay Shirkey and Mimi Ito, thought-provoking panels on topics like culture and research ethics, and lots of excellent new research. CSCW 2011 will be in Hangzhou, China!