I returned a few days ago from a wonderful 4 day trip to Copenhagen. My main reason for visiting was to serve on the dissertation comCBSmittee for Kjeld Schmidt’s student, Mika Yasuoka at the IT University of Copenhagen. Mika wrote a very interesting and thought provoking dissertation looking at the creation of project jargon to facilitate collaboration during short-term projects. After a 50 minute presentation and 10 minute break, the 3 committee members (Yvonne Dittrich, Bosse Helgeson, and myself) each questioned/conversed with Mika for 30 minutes each. Mika carried it off well and another Dr. was born!

The next day, I had been invited to give a talk at the Copenhagen Business School (CBS) for a very rewarding and thought provoking discussion both there are afterwards during lunch. I also can’t help but comment on the breathtaking architecture of the Copenhagen Business School (image left). I am still day dreaming about how handsome and sleek it was.  Some folks at ITU said they want to invite me to give a talk there too so perhaps someday I will be back. Until then, it was nice seeing you again Copenhagen!