They say pretty much the same thing everyone else has said/is saying…still, it’s interesting to hear that Barnes & Noble admits their Nook doesn’t currently fit the bill for academic use, either.  Check out this quote:

“‘Those things that students really are looking for in an educational experience just are not there yet in the e-reader market,’ said Jade Roth, a vice president in charge of textbook merchandising at Barnes & Noble College Booksellers. ‘It’s going to shift when the number of titles increases and when the digital experience is amazing.'”

To even a casual observer, it’s clear that the number of titles isn’t the real issue for academic adoption of e-readers.  And it’s also not about an “amazing” digital experience since devices like the iPad and even the humble laptop deliver “amazing digital experiences” right now.  I just don’t think the average college student who has work to do is looking for an “amazing digital experience.”  Time will tell!

Check out the full article here.