CSC Lab recently received notice that our accepted paper “The Imposition and Superimposition of Digital Reading Technology: The Academic Potential of E-readers” has also received an “Honorable Mention” award from the conference committee of CHI conference on Human-Computer Interaction . The CHI 2011 Papers and Notes Committee selected only the top 5% of Papers and Notes submissions to receive the “Honorable Mention” designation. Congratulations to all the authors: Alex Thayer, Charlotte P. Lee (lab director), Linda Hwang, Heidi Sales, Pausali Sen, and Ninad Dalal. The first author, doctoral student Alex Thayer, will be presenting the paper at the conference in Vancouver, Canada in May.

The paper will be highlighted in the conference program as having received this award. All award presentations will be highlighted on the day-at-a-glance schedule in the program and we will be encouraging conference attendees to attend the award presentations.

The student co-authors participated in this research under the auspices of HCDE’s for-credit Directed Research Group courses. While CSC Lab produces many papers of equal quality that do not receive special awards, it is nevertheless gratifying to receive external recognition. It is particularly satisfying to achieve this recognition for work that was not grant funded.