Playing a little catch up with some CSC Lab news items.

CSC Lab is now located on the 4th floor of Sieg in a larger, renovated space and is co-located with the labs of Dr. Mark Zachry and Dr. Kate Starbird. Our combined groups are still coming up with a name for the shared lab space. Stay tuned!

Three undergraduate researchers have joined the lab to work on two different NSF-sponsored projects investigating various aspects of collaborative cyberinfrastructure development and data collection, analysis, and sharing. Welcome to Erin Sy and Saffonias Gebrehiwot of HCDE and Ya Gao (Psychology).

At the 2013 Annual Meeting of the Society for the Social Studies of Science (4S), doctoral student Ying-Yu Chen presented on ” Design Considerations for Low-Income Shoppers and Farmers Markets” based on the work of one of our for-credit directed research groups. and doctoral Candidate Drew Paine presented on “Examining Data-Intensive Science Through Data Sources” based on one of CSC Lab’s NSF-funded research projects: Interacting with Cyberinfrastructure in the Face of Changing Science (IIS-0954088).

In older news, lab Director Charlotte Lee was awarded the University of Washington’s College of Engineering, Junior Faculty Innovator Award in May, becoming the first HCDE/TC faculty member to win a COE Innovator Award  and in September was promoted to Associate Professor with tenure.