We all knew the Kindle wouldn’t be the only digital reading device (DRD) on the market forever.  The last year or two has seen rapid development of new DRDs, new ways to obtain content, new formats for content, and so on.  But CES 2010 marks the first appearance of some interesting new DRDs, some of which are explicitly designed for specific market segments.

Exhibit A: The Plastic Logic Que. The Que is for business travelers, although I wouldn’t mind getting my hands on one. Although “Que means business,” the Web site lists different categories of content for sale…but on a 8.5″x11″ device, I think newspapers and documents might look best. At $799 for the 8 GB 3G version, I think I can wait until I have an executive salary before I get a Que.

Other devices offer multiple screens, e-ink and color displays, different form factors, touch-enabled input (with stylus or human digit), and so much more. I’m not entirely sold on the whole netbook+DRD idea, but that could be the way things go. Or, maybe we’ll all have an Apple iSlate in the near future. All I know is the DRD market is getting curiouser and curiouser with every passing day.

UPDATE: This link to Gizmodo is worthwhile…it’s nice to see one page that attempts to sort through the mess of DRDs out there. Also, I’m probably the only person calling these things “DRDs.”