The convergence of different types of functionality and platforms continues to generate interesting new devices.  While the iPhone remains one of the stand-out devices that converged loads of stuff in one place, it’s still not an ideal gaming platform.  Other phones that attempted to offer high-quality gaming experiences never caught on for a variety of reasons, so maybe the solution is to start with a gaming platform instead!

Enter the Nintendo DSi XL.  It will include e-reader capabilities, but in a slightly strange, totally Nintendo way (cartridge-based only).  Check out the Wired review of the DSi XL here.  Hint: They loved it.

Also of note: The iPad is offering original games from big-name publishers and the DSi XL is offering e-reader functionality and books on cartridge because they can.  The DSi XL isn’t meant to take down the Kindle or anything, but the device itself is much better positioned to sell in the millions because it can do multiple things pretty well (or well enough, maybe).  I am wondering when the analog-era backlash of devices will really catch on and people will embrace (out of choice, not necessity) the idea of owning dedicated devices rather than multi-use devices.

I’ll be hanging onto my Technics Grandmaster for a while longer, that’s all I know.