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School of MedicineUniversity of Washington • Box 357735 • 1705 NE Pacific St • Seattle WA 98195
Installation — Xpression 1.0rc1 documentation



Xpression requires a UNIX-like environment, such as Linux or MacOSX and the following software:

Main software:

  • Python 2.7
  • bwa 0.5.7+
  • samtools 0.1.10+

Python packages:

  • pysam 0.3+
  • Biopython 1.51+

GUI software:

  • Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.5+

Install from package repository

Many tools exist to acquire software packages quickly and easily. These include repositories of binaries, ready to be copied to your system in a simple and easy-to-use manner.

These package managers include apt/synaptic for Ubuntu, yast in openSUSE and Fink for MacOSX. They will install the software without any lower-level steps, following a point-and-click interface.

Install from source

Some software may not be available to you in package format, which means you will need to install the software from source.

This process involves taking the text-based source code from the developer, compiling it by turning the text into executable binary, and finally copying the binary file(s) to a directory the computer knows to look in for software. It can be tedious, but it is fairly consistant from source to source, so doing it once should make subsequent installations easier.


These steps can be automated with the installation script provided:

This script downloads, compiles, and installs any software not found in the system’s PATH. It uses common system utilities and may require system-wide access priviledges. This access will be given by sudo, which will prompt for a password if needed. It checks the system PATH for the software Xpression uses and, if found, verifies the minimum version number of that software is met.

To check the current installation state, run Xpression_install.sh with the -c option:

$ sh Xpression_install.sh -c
Checking for software needed for Xpression...
BWA         installed.
samtools    installed.
python      installed.
numpy       installed.
Biopython   installed.
pysam       not installed.
Java        installed.

Here pysam needs to be installed before Xpression can run.

Running the script again with the -i option will automatically retrieve and install what’s needed:

$ sh Xpression_install.sh -i
Installing software needed for Xpression...
BWA         installed.
samtools    installed.
python      installed.
numpy       installed.
Biopython   installed.
pysam               not installed.
    fetching pysam from http://pysam.googlecode.com/files/pysam-0.5.tar.gz...
    extracting pysam-0.5.tar.gz...
    building pysam-0.5.tar.gz...
    installing pysam-0.5.tar.gz...
Java        installed.


If a piece of software is not available as a package, and you do not wish to use the script, you will need to install from source. Tools like gcc and make are needed to convert the text of the code into excutable software to run on your system. For MacOSX, this means XCode is needed, which includes Mac versions of those tools. XCode can be downloaded from the developer tools URL.

As an example of what this process looks like, you can follow along step-by-step below.

Lets install two software requirements, the application samtools and the python package pysam. These represent the two basic methods of installation of the software used.

First, fire up a terminal and a web browser.


We need to get the source from the developers first. Browse to the samtools downloads page and select the latest release, currently samtools-0.1.18.tar.bz2. If you wish, you can download the file directly.

Save this file to some convenient location on the hard drive. In the terminal, browse to this location by typing:

$ cd convenient/location

Then unpack the download with tar by typing:

$ tar xjvf samtools-0.1.18.tar.bz2

This will create a directory named samtools-0.1.18, which we can enter by typing:

$ cd samtools-0.1.18

Type ls to see what this folder contains:

$ ls
AUTHORS          bam_mate.c      bgzf.h        klist.h         razf.c
bam2bcf.c        bam_md.c        bgzip.c       knetfile.c      razf.h
bam2bcf.h        bam_pileup.c    ChangeLog     knetfile.h      razip.c
bam2bcf_indel.c  bam_plcmd.c     COPYING       kprobaln.c      sam.c
bam2depth.c      bam_reheader.c  cut_target.c  kprobaln.h      sam.h
bam_aux.c        bam_rmdup.c     errmod.c      kseq.h          sam_header.c
bam.c            bam_rmdupse.c   errmod.h      ksort.h         sam_header.h
bam_cat.c        bam_sort.c      examples      kstring.c       sample.c
bam_color.c      bam_stat.c      faidx.c       kstring.h       sample.h
bam_endian.h     bamtk.c         faidx.h       Makefile        samtools.1
bam.h            bam_tview.c     INSTALL       Makefile.mingw  sam_view.c
bam_import.c     bcftools        kaln.c        misc            win32
bam_index.c      bedidx.c        kaln.h        NEWS
bam_lpileup.c    bgzf.c          khash.h       phase.c

We can see what installation steps they recommend:


And follow their directions to compile from source:

$ make

Then copy the resulting binary to a location on your path:

$ sudo cp samtools /usr/bin


$ sudo cp samtools /usr/local/bin

We can see the contents of the PATH variable by typing:

$ echo $PATH

So this system contains both /usr/local/bin and /usr/bin, amongst others.

We can check that this installation was successful:

$ samtools
Program: samtools (Tools for alignments in the SAM format)
Version: 0.1.17 (r973:277)

Usage:   samtools <command> [options]

Command: view        SAM<->BAM conversion
         sort        sort alignment file
         mpileup     multi-way pileup
         depth       compute the depth
         faidx       index/extract FASTA
         tview       text alignment viewer
         index       index alignment
         idxstats    BAM index stats (r595 or later)
         fixmate     fix mate information
         flagstat    simple stats
         calmd       recalculate MD/NM tags and '=' bases
         merge       merge sorted alignments
         rmdup       remove PCR duplicates
         reheader    replace BAM header
         cat         concatenate BAMs
         targetcut   cut fosmid regions (for fosmid pool only)
         phase       phase heterozygotes


If you have easy_install on your computer, installing python packages is a snap. Simply type:

$ sudo easy_install -U pysam

If this is not the case, we need to get the source from the developers and do it ourself. Browse to the pysam downloads page and select the latest release, currently pysam-0.6.tar.gz. If you wish, you can download the file directly.

Save this file to some convenient location on the hard drive. In the terminal, browse to this location by typing:

$ cd convenient/location

Then unpack the download with tar by typing:

$ tar xzvf pysam-0.6.tar.gz

This will create a directory named pysam-0.6, which we can enter by typing:

$ cd pysam-0.6

Type ls to see what this folder contains:

$ ls
COPYING  ez_setup.py  INSTALL  KNOWN_BUGS  MANIFEST.in  PKG-INFO  pysam  pysam.egg-info  samtools  setup.cfg  setup.py  tabix  tests  THANKS

You can see what the installation instructions are by typing:


We will follow their instructions by compiling:

$ python setup.py build

Then installing:

$ sudo python setup.py install

We can verify this installation was successful by heading to the home folder and importing pysam into a python interactive session:

$ cd ~
$ python
Python 2.7.3 (default, Apr 24 2012, 00:00:54)
[GCC 4.7.0 20120414 (prerelease)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import pysam
>>> pysam
<module 'pysam' from 'pysam/__init__.py'>
>>> pysam.__version__

This means python can find pysam and that its ready to be used by Xpression.


Xpression Virtual Environment

For those without a UNIX-like environment or from a non-technical background, we have provided a complete Linux environment that can be installed using freely-available software via a point-and-click process.

To use, first download and install software such as VirtualBox and follow their installation wizard. This software creates a virtual machine within the computer that can run images of any other system. Then download Xpression VE and follow Xpression Virtual Environment for instruction.

Amazon Web Services – the Cloud

In the case of limited local resources, or for users wanting greater power or flexibility in their computing, an Amazon machine image is available at https://aws.amazon.com/amis/xpression-rna-seq-pipeline. This resource is currently not graphical, and must be accessed via the commandline. It contains the software used by Xpression as well as the latest version of Xpression itself, via mercurial. It is built directly on the Amazon Linux image, which is maintained and updated by the Amazon team to keep it secure and safe.


Directories in the PATH of Unix-like systems allow the shortcut execution of applications. This means the binary echo can be run directly, instead of specifying where echo is located in the filesystem. To show these directories, type echo $PATH at a terminal.