
Sensitization Materials

Community engagement is an essential component to the success of disease prevention and treatment intervention.  Sensitization strategies help to effectively communicate within the community and to explain response measures and research activities. Scroll down to see some examples of how the Benin trial site informed the public about DeWorm3 and some pictures from the Indian trial sites on how the team interacted with the public.

Community Sensitization in Benin

Community cultural event. Benin/2018

Talk with local artisans. Benin/2018


Community Sensitization in India

Posters presentations in local languages, tailored for mothers.
Timiri, India/ Mr. Rajeshkumar Rajendiran

Public discussions for women and children.
Jawadhu hills, India/Mr. Chinnaduraipandi Paulsamy

Using local dances to engage the public.
Jawadhu hills, India/Mr. Chinnaduraipandi Paulsamy

Public Announcements using local Autos
Timiri, India/ Mr. Rajeshkumar Rajendiran