Stormwater planters
Stormwater planters are structural landscaped reservoirs used to collect, filter, and/or infiltrate stormwater runoff.  These planters allow pollutants in flowing water to settle and filter out as the water moves through the planter’s soil before infiltrating into the soil or being piped to a downstream location.  Stormwater planters are generally made of a durable material, such as stone, brick, or concrete, and use a bioretention system to collect and treat the stormwater.  Bioretention systems collect and filter stormwater through layers of mulch, soil and plant roots.  There are two kinds of stormwater planters utilized to treat stormwater.  Infiltration planters reduce runoff volume by allowing water to seep into the surrounding soils.  Filtration planters cleanse stormwater runoff, which is then collected in a pipe and routed to another disposal location.