Case studies  
Forty percent of domestic water consumption goes to sprinklers in Vancouver British Columbia. In this case, the city implemented watering restrictions leading to the development of home-based rain barrels, reducing domestic water consumption within the city. Thus, the city encourages its residents to collect their own water and use it for watering their lawns, verses using the exhaustible city water supply.  
In the rural community of Santa Ursula, Mexico, the local community uses a cistern built by the University of Washington's Department of Landscape Architecture. The cistern collects rainfall and provides water to a connected wash facility used by local women. The used water is led into a grease separator then through a biofiltration channel and finally ends up providing clean water to various plants planted along, and at the end of, the channel.  
Cisterns are functional and aesthetic. For example, the garden located behind the Community Design Building, at the University of Washington, contains a galvanized steel cistern that functions to collect rainwater and provide a sculptural focal point for the garden.