Cost issues  
As self-contained parking lot rain gardens are a fairly new design concept there are not many precedents among which to make cost comparisons. However, initial indications are that the cost/benefit ratio of these facilities is positive. Conventional lots with catch basins and associated drainage systems can be costly. In Robert Murase’s design for the parking lot at OMSI (see Case Studies), the use of bioswales saved $78,000 compared to a conventional design (Thompson, p. 183). This has allowed Murase’s office to sell the bioswale concept to other clients, including the Water Pollution Control Center in Portland, OR. As rain gardens are tested further, more clients will most likely be well-disposed to these systems based on cost alone.

For further information, contact:

Jean Vollum at Natural Capital Center (Ecotrust)
Viewlands Elementary (Seattle, WA)
SeaStreet (Seattle, WA)