Cost issues  
The cost analysis of installing compost-amended turf versus the installation of a minimum input turf (seed only treatment) showed that the amended turf is 0.49$ per square foot with the minimum input turf at 0.25$ per square foot. The amended turf is nearly double the cost to install. Because of the high price, it is difficult to convince the homeowner or developer to install it.

Installing compost amendments into the soil saves money. For a 1000 square foot lawn installed in 1997 with the amended turf the cost is $667. The minimum input turf cost is $582. However, in 2005, projected costs for the two approaches are $847 for compost, compared to $920 for minimum treatment. Furthermore, potential stormwater detention cost savings for the amended turf would be $0.17 per square foot due to the infiltration properties and storage capacities.