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AIMS  Special  Reports


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 Monthly (or longer) Reports with Email Subscriptions 
+  SUBSCRIPTIONS   • Teaching Concurrency U or H        • Nursing Concurrency U
  • Anes Attending Hours U or H • Case Lists for Residents U + H   
Teaching Concurrency: Hours for each Resident-Attending Pair, UWMC or HMC
    Email and print to Julia Metzner every 4 weeks.
Nursing Concurrency: Hours for each CRNA-Attending Pair, UWMC only.
    Email to Satish Bhagwanjee the 8th of each month.
Anes Attending Hours: First and last case and total hours for Attending, UWMC or HMC.
    UWMC to John Lang, UWMC & HMC to Craig Brownson 7th of each month.
Case Lists for Residents: Counts and lists of cases for residents on list, UWMC & HMC.
    Email to Karen Souter the 10th day of January and July.
+  USER LISTS   • Anes. Attending List U + H • Anes. Resident List U + H
  • CRNA List …… U or H • List for Any Role … U + H
Anes. Attending List: Doctors in AIMS & when they last used it, at UWMC & HMC
Anes. Residents List: Residents in AIMS & when they last used it, at UWMC & HMC
CRNA List: Nurse Anesthetists in AIMS & when they last used it, at UWMC or HMC.
Lists for Any Role: Includes Surgeons, AA, Admin and Other at UWMC & HMC.
Patient info, Anes. type, times, medications, Anes. CPT and RVU at Roosevelt or other locations
+  ROOM OCCUPANCY   • Hourly Room Usage U • NORA Occupancy by Day U
  • Area Times by Quarter U • Out of Room U, H   • Trends U, H
Hourly Room Usage: Avg. number of patient by day of week and hour, in UWMC NORA or elsewhere
Occupancy by Day: Minutes from first patient in to last out by area, in UWMC NORA
    Email to Samantha Goodwin every Monday.
Area Times by Quarter: First case starts, avg. case lengths, case lists in UWMC NORA
    To NORA heads quarterly.
Out Of Room: Average cases leaving or staying in room by day & hour at UWMC or HMC
Out Of Room Trends: Changes over years in cases leaving or staying at UWMC or HMC
    For Anes Tech. Leads: Aaron Ferguson at UWMC.
+  QUALITY MEASURES   • Mo. Airway Exam Notes U • Annual Staff Evaluation U & H
Monthly Airway Exam Notes: Fraction of cases with airway exam notes at UWMC
    Email to Lisa A. Robinson on the 9th of every month.
Annual Evaluation: Fraction of cases closed in 24h & post-op notes in 48h, at UWMC and HMC
    Email every year to Anesthesia chiefs.

OTHER Special Reports
+  CQI ……………   • Daily CQI Delays U or H    • Daily CQI Event Report_AP U
  • CQI Cases U or H
Daily CQI Delays: CQI codes, times and comments for one day, UWMC or HMC
Daily CQI Event Report AP: CQI event codes only, from appl. server, UWMC only.
    For Karen McElhinney and CQI staff only.
CQI Cases: list of cases and CQI event codes only UWMC or HMC.
    For HMC or UWMC CQI staff.
+  Infection Control   • Surgical Data U
Surgical Data: Patient, staff, proc. start + end times for previous month, UWMC only.
    For Sabrina Hill.
+  PeriOp Notes   • Pre-Op Clinic U    • ALA Notes U    • Block Notes U
  • Intubation Notes U    • ICD Notes U
Pre-Op Clinic: Signature counts by staff, by day signed or clinic day, UWMC only.
ALA Notes: Anesthesia Labor Analgesia Note counts and case list, UWMC only.
Block Notes: Nerve Block & Neuraxial Catheter counts & case list, UWMC only.
Intubation Notes: Anesthesia Intubation Note counts and case list, UWMC only.
ICD Notes: Implanted cardio. device interrogation counts & case list, UWMC only.
    All for Craig Brownson, Tim Wu.
+  Liver Tranplant   • Weekly Report U
Weekly Report: patient, staff, labs, fluids, donor & recipient notes UWMC
    For Kyota Fukazawa.
+  Case Counts   • Anes. Minutes Quarterly U or H   • AIMS LOB U H N   • CRNA/Res. U
Anes. Minutes Quarterly: case counts, surgery and anesthesia minutes by area UWMC or HMC
    Email to Denise Cooper quarterly
LOB: Line of Business: case counts by patient type for UWMC, HMC, or NWH
    Email to Scott Mossing annually
CRNA/Res.: Counts of cases performed by CRNAs or residents for UWMC
    Email to Brian Buchannan annually
+  Ad Hoc Reports   • Select cases & columns U or H
○ Select cases & columns: set filters and fields to show and sort UWMC or HMC
+  AIMS Support   • Case Locations U or H   • Machine Locations U or H   • Open Cases U or H
  • Missing Surgeons U or H   • Measurement Times U or H   • NIBP Times U or H
Case Locations: OR, Last Run Machine Name for 1 day, sortable UWMC or HMC
    For AIMS Support staff, e.g. to recover stuck case data.
Machine Locations: OR & Machine Name for last case, by room UWMC or HMC
    For AIMS Support staff to find workstations.
Open Cases: Currently open case by room, with machine name UWMC or HMC
    For AIMS Support staff to find rooms in use.
Missing Surgeons: In ORCA notes but not in AIMS staff list UWMC or HMC
    For AIMS Support staff to add surgeons in PAE.
Measurement Times: Interval between sampled vital sign readings UWMC or HMC
NIBP Times: Interval for aperiodic vital signs, and repeated value UWMC or HMC
    For AIMS Support staff to find rooms with bad DMM.
+  PHARMACY   • Pyxis OR Audit H   • Pyxis OR Cases H
  • Wastage U or H
Pyxis OR Audit: Rx used but not marked as taken in Pyxis HMC
Pyxis OR Cases: Details of Rx used but not marked as taken HMC
    For Pharmacy staff and Mike Souter.
Wastage: Controlled drugs used and wasted, with witness UWMC
Controlled drugs taken, used, wasted and returned to Pyxis HMC
    For Pharmacy staff.