Thursdays, 4:30–5:30 pm
6 January–10 March 2011
School of Aquatic & Fishery Sciences
102 Fishery Sciences (auditorium)
1122 NE Boat Street (map)
University of Washington
Reception follows each talk

For more information, contact:
Trevor Branch, 206-221-0776

Funding for the Series is generously
provided by Tanya Bevan, friends of Don
Bevan, the UW School of Aquatic and
Fishery Sciences, and NOAA's Alaska
Fisheries Science Center and
Northwest Fisheries Science Center.

NOTE: QuickTime player is required to view seminar videos. A free version for Windows is available (OS X comes with QuickTime). To download videos, we recommend using Firefox, Chrome or Internet Explorer.

6 Jan

Richard Feely

Senior Scientist, NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory, Affiliate Professor in the School of Oceanography

Ocean Acidification: Global Warming's Evil Twin

Video  •  More info…

13 Jan

John Smol

Queen’s University (Kingston, Ontario), and Canada Research Chair in Environmental Change

Lessons Learned from Acidification in Freshwater Ecosystems

Video  •  More info…

20 Jan

Miyoko Sakashita

Oceans Director, Center for Biological Diversity

Curbing Carbon Pollution - Legal Solutions

Video  •  More info…

27 Jan

Scott Doney

Senior Scientist, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Do the Dollars Make Cents? Economic Impacts of Acidification on Fisheries

Video  •  More info…

10 Feb

Brad Warren

Director, Productive Oceans Partnership, a program of the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership

Souring Oceans, Dissolving Shellfish, and the Cure for Cowardly Lions

Video  •  More info…

17 Feb

Brian Baird

U.S. Congressman

Can an Acerbic Congress Deal with Acidic Oceans?

Video  •  More info…

Note Date Change
22 Feb (Tuesday)

Philip Munday

Professor, ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies, School of Marine and Tropical Biology, James Cook University, Australia

Behavioral and Ecological Consequences of Acidification on Fish

Video  •  More info…

24 Feb

Gretchen Hofmann

Professor, Department of Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology, UC Santa Barbara

Individual Responses to Acidifying Oceans: Migration, Acclimation, Adaptation, or Death

Video  •  More info…

2 Mar (Wednesday), 4:30pm, 102 Fishery Sciences

Film Screening and Panel Discussion

A film screening of "A Sea Change", the movie on ocean acidification, followed by a panel discussion with the producer and the director Sven Huseby and Barbara Ettinger, together with Richard Feely, Jan Newton, Ed Miles, and Terrie Klinger.

3 Mar

Sven Huseby & Barbara Ettinger

Producer & Director, "A Sea Change"

Science, Media and Messaging

Video  •  More info…

10 Mar

Rod Wilson

Professor, Integrative Animal Physiology, College of Life & Environmental Sciences, University of Exeter, UK

Can Fish Fight Back? Carbonate Production in an Acidic Ocean

Video  •  More info…