密乘寳藏 (Mi cheng bao zang)

This beautiful book was found in our first search through materials with traditional East Asian binding.  (Although this one has a different style than the the majority of our string binding.)  Fortunately, the item, published in 1936, and its case are in great condition, not marred by insect or other damage.  This book consists of a number of Buddhist prayers and incantations, and includes text in Chinese and Tibetan, as well as sections where the Tibetan pronunciation is shown in a romanized form.IMG_20140620_164613-tiny

The record for this item was one of the very first that I enhanced—adding subject headings and a call number, as well as notes detailing the contents (in vernacular and roman scripts), language information, etc—for this project.  Larry Epstein, retired professor of anthropology at UW,  graciously transcribed the Tibetan title, and spotted several typos in it.  (With such a gorgeous cover, what a shame that it should have typos!)

OCLC WorldCat shows only one other holding for this book—truly, a treasure!
