Public Lecture by Prof. Yao (2015-03-10)

Banner-Discovering the origins of the Imperial University Library

On March 10, Professor Boyue Yao, CLIR Project Librarian and visiting scholar from Beijing University Library, delivered a public lecture, “Discovering the Origins of the Imperial University Library through Ancient Book Catalogs,” at the University of Washington East Asia Library.

Professor Yao spoke about his recent discoveries in ancient book catalogs—their contents, the seals that were used on them, etc.—and other sources which revealed that the Imperial University Library (now Peking University Library) was in fact founded in 1898, rather than 1902 as was previously thought.

Presentation Summary: 长期以来,北大校史都将1902年作为北京大学图书馆的创建年,比1898年建校的北京大学晚了整整4年!事实果真如此吗?原北大外国语学院沈弘教授从2002年开始,先后写了3篇文章,论证北京大学图书馆的前身京师大学堂藏书楼实际应该与京师大学堂同时建立,文章很有说服力,但遗憾的是一直无人理会。2013年,北大图书馆古籍编目人员在编目中发现了一部出版于1899年春的《大学堂书目》,于是事情终于出现了转机……

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