Woodblock print editions from the Qing dynasty: Kanxi era

Eleven rare woodblock editions published between 1662 and 1722 (the reign period of the Qing dynasty Kanxi Emperor) were discovered and cataloged at UW as part of this CLIR project. Here are a few examples:

欽定篆文六經四書 (Qin ding zhuan wen liu jing si shu)

《欽定篆文六經四書》 七冊
清康熙[1662-1722] 北京內府刻本

“Confucian classics in seal characters, authorized by imperial order” (7 volumes)
Compiled by Li Guandi under imperial auspices
Published in Beijing between 1662 and 1722
Woodblock printing



韋齋集 (Weizhai ji)

《韋齋集》 十二卷, 四冊

“Collected works of Weizhai” (12 chapters in 4 volumes)
By Zhu Song (also known as Zhu Weizhai)
Published in 1710 by Zhu Changchen
Woodblock printing



温飛卿詩集 (Wen Feiqing shi ji)

《温飛卿詩集》 四冊

“Collected poems of Wen Feiqing” (4 volumes)
By Wen Tingyun (also known as Wen Feiqing)
Published between 1697 and 1722; publisher unknown
Woodblock printing