These three rubbings document some of the interesting history of Judaism and Jewish people in China. The steles date from the 15th through 17th century in Kaifeng—a city which was home to a Jewish community for many hundreds of years.
重建清真寺記 (Chong jian Qing zhen si ji)
金鍾撰 ; 曹佐書
明弘治二年五月吉日[1489]開封 金瑛, 金禮立石
碑石原立於開封一賜樂業清真寺(猶太教), 現存河南開封博物館
“Record of the synagogue reconstruction”
By Jin Zhong ; calligraphy by Cao Zuo
Stele erected in 1489 in Kaifeng by Jing Ying and Jin Li, rubbing produced in the late Qing dynasty
Stele originally located at a synagogue in Kaifeng, now held at the Kaifeng Museum of Jewish History
This rubbing is from the oldest of the three steles. Its contents are in three sections; one explains the origin and history of Judaism, another describes the rituals and worship of Chinese Jews around the time of the stele construction, and the last tells of a past imperial audience.
尊崇道經寺記 (Chen Fa Sun Jiagan zhi Shandong mou tong nian you shu zha he ji)
尊崇道經寺記 (清末拓本)
左唐撰 ; 高考書
明正德七年[1512]七月甲子日開封刻 尊崇道經寺
碑石原立於開封一賜樂業清真寺(猶太教), 現存河南開封博物館
“History of the Daojing synagogue”
By Zuo Tang ; calligraphy by Gao Kao
Stele carved in 1512 in Kaifeng, rubbing produced in the late Qing dynasty
Stele originally located at a synagogue in Kaifeng, now held at the Kaifeng Museum of Jewish History
This rubbing is from the second oldest of the three steles, which dates from 1512 and details the religious practices of the Jews in China at that time.
祠堂述古碑記 (Ci tang shu gu bei ji)
祠堂述古碑記 (清末拓本)
趙承基撰 ; 韓尚武, 程銀鐫刻
碑石原立於開封一賜樂業清真寺(猶太教), 現存河南開封博物館
“Stone record of the temple history”
By Zhao Chengji ; engraved by Han Shangwu and Cheng Yin
Stele carved in 1679 in Kaifeng, rubbing produced in the late Qing dynasty
Stele originally located at a synagogue in Kaifeng, now held at the Kaifeng Museum of Jewish History
This is the third and most recent of the Jewish stele rubbings held at UW.