大唐三藏聖敎序 (Da Tang San zang sheng jiao xu)

大唐三藏聖敎序 (民國拓片)

“Preface to the Buddhist Canon” (Rubbing, Republic of China period)
Original calligraphy by Chu Suiliang
Stele erected in 653

Da Tang San zang sheng jiao xu2

This rubbing is from a Tang dynasty stele at the Big Wild Goose Pagoda in Xi’an. On this stele is engraved the Preface to the Buddhist Canon (commonly known as 大唐三藏聖敎序 , 慈恩寺聖教序, or 雁塔聖教序) by Chu Suiliang (596-658). Chu Suiliang’s Preface is one of the most famous Buddhist works in the history of Chinese calligraphy and has served as a model for many generations of calligraphers.