The "Bewildering Brush"

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Odonthalia: The "Bewildering Brush"


Submerged Odonthalia floccosa at Botanical Beach, Vancouver Island, BC.



Irridescent blue shimmer underwater in the sunlight.



Odonthalia. In Greek, it means "toothed branch"(1). In the field, it sometimes means that-which-cannot-be-named and has been called Odonthalia "problematica" (2) and other such affectionate terms (the more creative ones usually being born of frustruation).

There is substantial variation in morphology among the various species of Odonthalia, making it difficult to identify to species. Tthis site will therefore cover the genus Odonthalia in general with special reference to Odonthalia floccosa where possible.





Website created by:

Audrey Djunaedi

ZooBot Spring Quarter 2009

Friday Harbor Laboratories

University of Washington



1) Druehl, Louis. Pacific Seaweeds. Maderia Park, BC Canada: Harbour Publishing, 2003.

2) O'Clair, Rita M. and Lindstrom, Sandra C. North Pacific Seaweeds. Auke Bay, Alaska: Plant Press, 2000.

Website created by Audrey Djunaedi in May 2009 as the final project for Biol 445 Marine Botany, Friday Harbor Laboratories, University of Washington. All images created by the author unless noted otherwise. Photo permission/questions may be directed to auddju "-at-" u.