The "Bewildering Brush"

  FHL Marine Botany  ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::   Taxonomy | Habitat | Morphology | Life History | Ecology | In + Around



Odonthalia Lyngbye, 1819 (original publication)

Odonthalia in a tidepol at Cattle Point, San Juan Island, WA.



Odonthalia, Littorina (snails/periwinkles), and Fucus (rockweed) at Friday Harbor Labs, WA.



Kingdom Plantae
Subkingdom Biliphyta
Phylum Rhodophyta
Subphylum Rhodophytina
Class Florideophyceae
Subclass Rhodymeniophycidae
Order Ceramiales
Family Rhodomelaceae
Genus Odonthalia
Species* floccosa

*Odonthalia species found locally at Friday Harbor, WA, include floccosa, washingtoniensis, kamtschatica, and lyallii (1).




Synonyms for O. floccosa :
Fucus floccosus Esper 1802
Rhodomela aleutica C. Agardh 1820
Rhodomela floccosa (Esper) C. Agardh 1822
Bostrychia floccosa (Esper) Montagne 1842
Lophura floccosa (Esper) Kutzing 1843
Lophura macracantha Kutzing 1865
Odonthalia floccosa f. macracantha (Kutzing) Setchell & N.L. Gardner 1903
Odonthalia floccosa f. typica Setchell & Gardner 1903









(1) Kylin, Harald. The Marine Red Algae in the Vicinity of hte Biological Station at Friday Harbor, Wash. Lund 1925.

Website created by Audrey Djunaedi in May 2009 as the final project for Biol 445 Marine Botany, Friday Harbor Laboratories, University of Washington. All images created by the author unless noted otherwise. Photo permission/questions may be directed to auddju "-at-" u.