Rome Expectations
Due Date: April 16 (Before Class)
Description: Complete the Portfolio entry on "Rome Expectations."  Write a brief response (equivalent to 1 to 2 typed pages) about your expectations for your trip to Rome.

Exhibit Response
Due Date: May 14 (Before Class)
Description: Complete the Portfolio page titled "Exhibit Response." Visit an exhibit in a museum or gallery. Write about your experience, highlighting one aspect of the exhibit that you found interesting. Be sure to mention why you chose the exhibit. Additionally, indicate any strategies you used to approach the exhibit. You might want to refer the Guest Speakers: Notes entry on Elizabeth Brown. After you have finished writing about your experience, make a few observations about your general response to exhibits in museums or galleries. How did this museum experience compare to other experiences you have had in the past? How do you generally approach and react to exhibits? What are your general viewing habits? You have the option of adding artifacts (images, links, et cetera) to your portfolio page.

Location Research
Due Date: May 21 (Before Class)
Description: Research two locations in Rome (as assigned). Complete entries on the Location Database about these locations. You will need to answer the following five questions to complete the entries:
  1. Where is the site located?
  2. Outline the history of the site.
  3. Describe elements of interest at the site.
  4. Insert an image of the site. Analyze the image. What does it reveal about the site? What is left out of the picture?
  5. List two or three questions that you have about the site. 
  • You will need to find an image to upload to the database for each location. To copy an image from a web site, right click on the image and select "Save Picture As." You can also scan an image, save it, and upload it to the database.
  • When giving your entry a title, try to work in a phrase like "Research" or "Initial Investigation" into the title, so that it will be easy to identify the entry later.
  • You will be writing this information for a public audience.
  • Be prepared to share your research with your classmates on May 14. 

Due Date: June 4 (Before Class)
Description: Complete the Portfolio page titled "Itinerary."  Create an itinerary for three days in Rome that reflects your personal interests. The itinerary should including where you would go, what you would do, and where you would eat. At the end of the itinerary, reflect on the reasons for the choices that you made. You might want to refer to the Location Database entries on various sites in Rome and Italy to help create your itinerary. Guidebooks, web sites, and UW libraries will also be useful in completing this assignment. You can add images and/or links to your portfolio pages.