View Page: The Jesuits: Il Gesu and Sant'Ignazio as Triumphant Churches
University of Washington Honors Program in Rome

The Jesuits: Il Gesu and Sant'Ignazio as Triumphant Churches
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The two frescos from Il Gesu and Sant’Ignazio both have the elements of drama, emotion, theatricality, and illusion that characterized baroque art. The paintings each create the illusion that Heaven is opening up onto the heads of the congregation, and this helps to generate a sense of spirituality and divine presence. Also, radiant light is the most important agent in each fresco. Ultimately, the church was using the magnificence and brilliance of these two ceilings to impress their followers with the power and brilliance of the Catholic Church. The high and splendid baroque ceilings of Il Gesu and Sant’Ignazio serve as church propaganda, and reflect the concept of the Church Triumphant: the victory of the faith.

The following quote is fitting to describe the influence Saint Ignatius had on the revival and reconstruction of the Catholic Church, “Some say Ignatius built the Jesuit society brick by brick rather then soul by soul.”