View Page: The Jesuits: Il Gesu and Sant'Ignazio as Triumphant Churches
University of Washington Honors Program in Rome

The Jesuits: Il Gesu and Sant'Ignazio as Triumphant Churches
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Baroque Art and Architecture, Microsoft® Encarta® Online Encyclopedia 2004., accessed on: July 27th, 2004.

Engass, Robert. The Painting of Baciccio: The Church Triumphant (1964). Chapter 3. pg 54-67.

Evonne, Levy. A Noble Medley of Concert and Materials and Artifice: Jesuit Church Interiors in Rome, 1567-1700. pg: 47-59.

Gardner, Helen. Gardner’s Art through the Ages: The High Renaissance, Baroque Art of the Seventeenth Century. Fort Worth: Harcourt Brace College, 2001. pg. 636-637, 739-741.

Grove Dictionary of Art: Jesuit Order, Il Gesu. v. A7, 1996. pg: 508-512, 822-824.

Hager, June. "Il Gesu and S. Ignazio." Rome, 1993., accessed on: July 27th, 2004.

Hibbert, Christopher. Rome: The Biography of a City. London: Penguin Books, 1987. pg: 227-229, 353-354.

Jesuit Conference: Society of Jesus USA. “The Roots of the Society of Jesus.”, accessed on: July 27th, 2004.

Macadam, Alta. Blue Guide: Rome. London: A & C Black Publishers Limited, 2003. pg: 146-148, 199-200.

MacDonnell, Joseph S.J. Fairfield University: A Brief Jesuit History., accessed on: July 27th, 2004.

Fairfield Website : One of the article sources for my paper. Jesuit Conference Website : Society of Jesus USA site. June Hager Website : Il Gesu and Sant'Ignazio information. Microsoft Encarta Website : Baroque art and architecture information.