View Page: 2005 Program Calendar
University of Washington Honors Program in Rome

2005 Program Calendar
Week One 1 of 5

Monday, August 22
Welcome to The UW Rome Center!
10:00 on: Arrival at UW Rome Center and check into apartments.
  Late Afternoon
photo by Jennifer Wilkin
UW Rome Center, Palazzo Pio
3:00 p.m. UWRC Orientation, first floor.
  Writing Assignment
Introduction to Ongoing Writing Assignments:
Ubiquitous Postcard;
The Journal;
Altar Project
  Evening Event
7:00 p.m. Welcome reception in the Directors Apartment, 422. We will be joined by the Design students.
Tuesday, August 23
8:45 a.m. Meet at portone (main door) of Palazzo Pio. We will walk over to the offices of ItaliaIdea in the nearby Piazza della Cancelleria.

9:00-1:00 ItaliaIdea Orientation to Rome (part I)
  Art History
photo by Lisa Schultz
The Campo de' Fiori
4:00 Tour the Campo de'Fiori and environs with Lisa.

**Discussion topics: Where to shop; History of the Campo de’ Fiori (PV); History of Palazzo Pio (KL).
  Writing Assignment
photo by Lisa Schultz
The helpful men at Ruggeri
'Your Shopping Diary' Assignment
Wednesday, August 24
  Late Afternoon
Evening view of Santa Maria in Trastevere
3:30-5:30 ItaliaIdea Orientation to Rome (part II)
5:30-6:00 Break
6:00-8:00 Tour of Trastevere neighborhood
  Evening Events
8:00 p.m. Dinner with ItaliaIdea
Thursday, August 25
9:00-11:30 Italian Language Class
  Art History
Temple of Portunus
Temple of Hercules; Temple of Portunus
Engraving by Giuseppe Vasi, mid 18th C.
3:00 Forum Borium; Temple of Portunus; Temple of Hercules.

**Discussion topics: Mythical foundations of Rome (JO); Roman temple styles.

AH Reading: Claridge, selections on the Forum Boarium, Temple of Portunus.
  Writing Assignment
'Roman Fever' Assignment

Reading: “Roman Fever” by Edith Wharton

Click here to link to 'Roman Fever' online
Friday, August 26
  Field Trip
Leopards Tomb, banquet scene
Leopards Tomb, musician
8:30 Meet at the Ponte Sisto bus pick-up location for a day trip to the ancient Etruscan city of Tarquinia. Please bring water, snacks for the road. We will be visiting the tombs as well as the museum so dress appropriately.

10:30 a.m. Monterozzi necropolis to see the painted tombs

12:30 p.m. In to town for lunch

2:00 p.m. National Museum of Palazzo Vitelleschi

3:30 p.m. Return to Rome
  Writing Assignment
Monterozzi, Iron Age stone burial containers
'Etruscan Places' Assignment

Reading: Etruscan Places by D.H. Lawrence
Saturday, August 27
  Art History
photo by Lisa Schultz
The Roman Forum
9:00 Meet at the portone. Please bring a bag lunch and water, as we will picnic on the Palatine.

Roman Forum (JV); Arch of Titus (DW); lunch on the Palatine Hill; Colosseum.

**Discussion topics: Republic vs. Empire (JN); imperial ideology; the Roman basilica (LS); the role of the Roman triumph and its pervading imagery (the arch); Roman architectural forms and function: the Colosseum (KW).

AH Reading: Sear,“Republican Rome”;Zaho,“The History of the Roman Triumph”;
OPTIONAL: Ramage and Ramage, “The Flavians: Savior to Despot, AD 69-98”.
  Writing Assignment
'Melancholy and the antique world' Assignment

Reading: “The Palatine Hill” by Elizabeth Bowen (The Smiles of Rome, 5-14)
“The Roman Forum” by Georgina Masson (The Smiles of Rome, 15-24)
“Who Killed Daisy Miller?” by Christopher Woodward (Smiles, 59-69)

Sunday, August 28
  No classes
photo by Lisa Schultz
Thousand tables of treasures at the Porta Portese!
Relax and enjoy the day off! If you care to wake up EARLY, meet Lisa at 7:30am to visit the Porta Portese, Rome largest and most interesting flea market.