View Article: 2005 Program Calendar
University of Washington Honors Program in Rome

2005 Program Calendar
Week One 1 of 5

Monday, August 22
Welcome to The UW Rome Center!
10:00 on: Arrival at UW Rome Center and check into apartments.
  Late Afternoon
photo by Jennifer Wilkin
UW Rome Center, Palazzo Pio
3:00 p.m. UWRC Orientation, first floor.
  Writing Assignment
Introduction to Ongoing Writing Assignments:
Ubiquitous Postcard;
The Journal;
Altar Project
  Evening Event
7:00 p.m. Welcome reception in the Directors Apartment, 422. We will be joined by the Design students.
Tuesday, August 23
8:45 a.m. Meet at portone (main door) of Palazzo Pio. We will walk over to the offices of ItaliaIdea in the nearby Piazza della Cancelleria.

9:00-1:00 ItaliaIdea Orientation to Rome (part I)
  Art History
photo by Lisa Schultz
The Campo de' Fiori
4:00 Tour the Campo de'Fiori and environs with Lisa.

**Discussion topics: Where to shop; History of the Campo de’ Fiori (PV); History of Palazzo Pio (KL).
  Writing Assignment
photo by Lisa Schultz
The helpful men at Ruggeri
'Your Shopping Diary' Assignment
Wednesday, August 24
  Late Afternoon
Evening view of Santa Maria in Trastevere
3:30-5:30 ItaliaIdea Orientation to Rome (part II)
5:30-6:00 Break
6:00-8:00 Tour of Trastevere neighborhood
  Evening Events
8:00 p.m. Dinner with ItaliaIdea
Thursday, August 25
9:00-11:30 Italian Language Class
  Art History
Temple of Portunus
Temple of Hercules; Temple of Portunus
Engraving by Giuseppe Vasi, mid 18th C.
3:00 Forum Borium; Temple of Portunus; Temple of Hercules.

**Discussion topics: Mythical foundations of Rome (JO); Roman temple styles.

AH Reading: Claridge, selections on the Forum Boarium, Temple of Portunus.
  Writing Assignment
'Roman Fever' Assignment

Reading: “Roman Fever” by Edith Wharton

Click here to link to 'Roman Fever' online
Friday, August 26
  Field Trip
Leopards Tomb, banquet scene
Leopards Tomb, musician
8:30 Meet at the Ponte Sisto bus pick-up location for a day trip to the ancient Etruscan city of Tarquinia. Please bring water, snacks for the road. We will be visiting the tombs as well as the museum so dress appropriately.

10:30 a.m. Monterozzi necropolis to see the painted tombs

12:30 p.m. In to town for lunch

2:00 p.m. National Museum of Palazzo Vitelleschi

3:30 p.m. Return to Rome
  Writing Assignment
Monterozzi, Iron Age stone burial containers
'Etruscan Places' Assignment

Reading: Etruscan Places by D.H. Lawrence
Saturday, August 27
  Art History
photo by Lisa Schultz
The Roman Forum
9:00 Meet at the portone. Please bring a bag lunch and water, as we will picnic on the Palatine.

Roman Forum (JV); Arch of Titus (DW); lunch on the Palatine Hill; Colosseum.

**Discussion topics: Republic vs. Empire (JN); imperial ideology; the Roman basilica (LS); the role of the Roman triumph and its pervading imagery (the arch); Roman architectural forms and function: the Colosseum (KW).

AH Reading: Sear,“Republican Rome”;Zaho,“The History of the Roman Triumph”;
OPTIONAL: Ramage and Ramage, “The Flavians: Savior to Despot, AD 69-98”.
  Writing Assignment
'Melancholy and the antique world' Assignment

Reading: “The Palatine Hill” by Elizabeth Bowen (The Smiles of Rome, 5-14)
“The Roman Forum” by Georgina Masson (The Smiles of Rome, 15-24)
“Who Killed Daisy Miller?” by Christopher Woodward (Smiles, 59-69)

Sunday, August 28
  No classes
photo by Lisa Schultz
Thousand tables of treasures at the Porta Portese!
Relax and enjoy the day off! If you care to wake up EARLY, meet Lisa at 7:30am to visit the Porta Portese, Rome largest and most interesting flea market.
Week Two 2 of 5

Monday, August 29
  Art History
Column of Trajan
Bring your maps with you this week - we will be meeting at the sites, unless otherwise noted.

9:00 Column and Forum of Trajan (SA); Pantheon (ZZ).

**Discussion topics: SPQR:meaning and function (JP; Memory and Immortality; Hadrian’s Building Program;

AH Reading: Packer, “Trajan’s Glorious Forum; Davies, "The Politics of Perpetuation: Trajan's Column and the Art of Commemoration”; Davies, Hemsoll, and Wilson Jones, “The Pantheon: Triumph of Rome or Triumph of Compromise”;McEwen, "Hadrian's Rhetoric I: the Pantheon”.
Pantheon Oculus
'The Pantheon' Assignment

Reading: From “Memoirs of Hadrian” by Marguerite Yourcenar (Smiles, 47-58)

  Evening Event!
Massimo, owner of L'Angolo Divino
5:45-8:00 Meet at portone for Wine Tasting at L’Angolo Divino
Tuesday, August 30
9:00-11:30 Italian Language class
  Art History
Porta Maggiore
photo by Lisa Schultz
Fresco from the House of Livia, now at Palazzo Massimo
2:00 Meet at the portone. Please bring 2 bus tickets as we will be traveling to our sites on the #40 (or #64) bus.

Porta Maggiore (PB); Museo Nazionale Romano at Palazzo Massimo.

**Discussion topics: Roman portals, walls, Tomb of the Baker; ancient sculpture, styles and patterns; portraiture; Augustinian agenda (MN); what is a mosaic? (AK)
(possible group exercise on site)

AH Reading: Selections from classical writers on ancient Rome; Nodelman, "How to Read a Roman Portrait.
Wednesday, August 31
shadows on cobblestones
Bocca della Verita at S. Maria in Cosmedin
9:00-12:00 Meet at portone.

Long walk with Shawn through the Jewish Ghetto, Teatro Marcello, Santa Maria in Cosmedin, Circus Maximus, Parco Savello, Santa Sabina, Protestant cemetery, British Military cemetery, and Piazza Testaccio. Whew!
The view through the keyhole at the entrance to the Priorato di Malta.
'The Long Walk' Assignment

Reading: “The Art of Love” by Ovid (Smiles, 25-38)
From “The Love Artist” by Jane Alison (Smiles, 39-46)
“The Door Swings Open: Threshold” by Margaret Visser (Smiles, 91-100)
“Beside the Pyramid” by Eleanor Clark (Smiles, 223-230)

Thursday, September 1
9:00-11:30 Italian Language class
  Late Afternoon
Sala dell'Orante (Room of the Orante)
Early Christian symbols such as the the Orante - a figure with arms raised in prayer -decorate the walls of this room.
Painted marine scene with Venus (or Persephone)
3:40 p.m. Meet in front of the Arch of Constantine for Case Romane del Celio with Shawn.

We will journey below the basilica of San Giovanni e Paolo and explore the remains of several ancient Roman houses. Many rooms contain frescoes dating between the 3rd century and the medieval period.
'Monumental Architecture vs. The Everyday' Assignment
Friday, September 2
Interior decor at the Church of the Capuchins (yes, those are skulls and bones!)
The Spanish Steps
City of Contrasts: The Living and The Dead & From the Hard Rock Café to the Caffé Greco.

10:00-12:00 Meet at portone for a walk to Via Veneto, Church of the Capuchins, The Spanish Steps with Shawn
'Exit, no exit' Assignment

Reading: “Without Reservations” by Alice Steinbach (Smiles, 239-248)
“Conversations” with Federico Fellini (Smiles, 298-306)
Saturday, September 3
The Blessed Ludovica Albertoni by Bernini
9:00 – 11:00 The church of San Francesco a Ripa
'The Ecstasy of Beata Ludovica Albertoni' Assignment
Sunday, September 4
  No Classes
Via Appia
Another day off to enjoy the Roman sunshine! Maybe you will head to the beach at Ostia or even take a day trip to the nearby hilltown of Orvieto ... or maybe rent bicycles and explore the ancient tombs along the Via Appia.
Week Three 3 of 5

Monday, September 5
  Art History
Apse mosaic in S. Pudenziana
The beautiful 9th C. mosaics at Santa Prassede
The Body, Mind and Soul: The Early Christian Church

9:00 S. Maria Maggiore (DW); S. Prassede; S. Pudenziana.

**Discussion topics: Form and Function of early Christian church (LS);
cult of relics (NDB).

AH Reading: Minor, “Medieval Theory: Christianity, the Human, the Divine”; Mathews, The Mistake of the Emperor Mystique; Elsner, selections from chapter 6: Art and Death; Mathews, “Larger than Life”; Krautheimer, selection on S. Prassede.
'Santa Prassede' Assignment

Reading: “The Bishops Orders His Tomb at St. Praxed’s Church” by Robert Browning (Smiles, 162-168)
  Evening Event!
7:30 pm: Pot luck dinner at Lisa’s
Tuesday, September 6
9:00-11:30 Italian Language class
  Late Afternoon
photo by Lisa Schultz
Shopping in Rome
4:00 pm Guest speaker: Danielle Pollock,
“A UW Student’s Life After Graduation in Naples and Rome”

Shopping in Rome: A Guide and a Good Story
Wednesday, September 7
  Art History
Grand stairway to Michelangelo's Piazza del Campidoglio
Modern Triumphs

9:00 a.m. Campidoglio (SK); Fori Imperiale (JN); S. Maria in Aracoeli.

**Discussion topics: Michelangelo’s redesign; Mussolini’s redesign: motives, message, and outcomes; Ceremonial Processions and Festivals (KL)

Reading: “Twin Beds in Rome” by John Updike (Smiles, 212-222)
“The Marble Faun” by Nathaniel Hawthorne (Smiles, 169-184)
Thursday, September 8
  Southern Trip: Paestum
photo by Lisa Schultz
The ancient Greek temples at Paestum
photo by Lisa Schultz
The pool at Agritourismo Seliano
Field trip: Paestum and Pompeii

7:00 a.m. Depart from Lungotevere bus pick-up for Paestum.
Pack for two nights (don’t forget a swimsuit) and BRING PASSPORTS.
Bring snacks and water.

11:00 a.m. Arrive and check into Agritourismo Seliano, relax
1:00-2:00 Have lunch at agritourismo
2:30-4:30 Bus to temples/museum

**Discussion topics: Greek temple form (PB);

4:45 p.m. Bus back to hotel, relax
8:30 p.m. Dinner at agritourismo, stay overnight

AH Reading: Trachtenberg, “Greece”

Friday, September 9
  Southern Trip: Pompeii
photo by Lisa Schultz
Making mozzarella di buffala in Paestum
Frescoes at the House of the Vettii in Pompeii
Imagines and memoria

8:30 a.m. Breakfast at agritourismo

10:00-11:00 Bus to tour mozzarella factory, pick up bag lunches

11:15 a.m. leave by bus for Pompeii

1:00 p.m. arrive at Pompeii, drop bags and check in at Hotel Villa Mysteries, eat bag lunches poolside.

2:00-6:00 Pompeii scavi tour

**Discussion topics: domestic life – insula and the Roman atrium house: public and private space (JW); Roman ideas on death: Freedmen tombs (JO); strategies for interior decoration, what is a fresco: intro to ancient Roman painting (NM); innovation/examples of Roman building materials (ZZ).

8:00 p.m. Group dinner at hotel

AH Reading: Plan of Pompeii Atrium House; Diagram of the Four Styles of Painting in Pompeii; Letters from Pliny the Younger to Tacitus;
SKIM: Wallace-Hadrill,“Reading the Roman House”; Koortbojan, “In commemorationem mortuorum: text and image along the ‘street of tombs’
Saturday, September 10
  Southern Trip: Herculaneum
photo by Lisa Schultz
Mt. Vesuvius still looming over the ruins at Herculaneum
8:00 a.m. Breakfast at hotel

OPTION: Students return on own

9:30 a.m. bus departs for Herculaneum
10:00-12:00 tour Herculaneum
12:30 break for a quick lunch in Herculaneum?

Return to Rome.
Sunday, September 11
  No classes
Umbrella pines
A day free to relax and reflect.
Week Four 4 of 5

Monday, September 12
  Art History
Tempio Maggiore - Rome's Synagogue
photo by Lisa Schultz
Detail of Bernini's elephant obelisk
Church Imposed Boundries
2:00 Jewish Ghetto quarter; Campo de’ Fiori and S.Maria Sopra Minerva

**Discussion topics: history of the ghetto and Jews in Rome, Synagogue (KW); Giordano Bruno and Galileo in Rome: Religion vs. science and free speech (PV); Bernini Elephant obelisk in piazza of S.M. Sopra Minerva (SA).
'Two Michelangelo Sculptures' Assignment

Reading: From “History: A Novel” by Else Morante (Smiles, 275-297)
From “City of the Soul” by William Murray (Smiles, 249-252)
Tuesday, September 13
9:00-11:30 Italian Language class
  Late Afternoon
Michelangelo's Moses in S. Pietro in Vincoli
On Own: Visit San Pietro in Vincoli (Michelangelo’s “St. Peter in Chains”)

Reading: “The Moses of Michelangelo” by Sigmund Freud (Smiles, 117-128)
To see what Freud saw, read pages 121-122 while standing in front of the sculpture.
  Evening Event!
Vegetables in the Campo de' Fiori market
3:30 p.m. Grocery shopping for tonight' cooking class
4:00 p.m. Cooking class with Sabrina Tatta at Lisa's apartment
7:30 p.m. Dinner is served!
Wednesday, September 14
  Art History
9:00 a.m. St. Peter’s

**Discussion topics: St. Peter’s piazza and approach (MN); Bernini’s and Michelangelo’s contributions.

AH Reading: Plan of Nero’s Circus and the two Basilicas of St. Peters; Kirwin, Powers Matchless.

Reading: “The First Letter of Peter” by St. Peter (Smiles, 73-81)
“The Letter of Paul to the Church in Rome” by St. Paul (Smiles, 82-90)
“Itailian Journey” Johann Wolfgang Goethe (Smiles, 155-161)
Thursday, September 15
9:00-11:30 Italian Language class
  Late Afternoon
3:30 p.m. Meet at San Clemente for lecture with Jennifer Wilkin on this church as well as Santi Quattro Coronati
'Silence and Belief' Assignment
Friday, September 16
  Art History
8:45 a.m. We will meet in front of the Museum at 8:45 for our 9:00 a.m. ticketed entry. Please allow yourself 30 minutes travel time from the Pio. No backpacks, large bags, or cameras are allowed in the museum. Please check your bags as soon as you arrive.

9:00-11:00 Museo di Villa Borghese

**Discussion topics: Bernini’s statues:another view (NDB)

11:30 p.m. Porta and Piazza del Popolo

12:30 p.m. Group Lunch at Pizza Re

**Discussion topics: Formal entries to Rome: Bernini’s design contributions, Triumphal entry of Queen Christina of Sweden, piazza function, impression and use (JP)

AH Reading: Minor, selections on “Italy the Papacy & the Church” and “Town and Country Planning; Haskell, “The Mechanics of Seventeenth-Century Patronage”;Ovid, Metamorphoses, selections; Kenseth, “Bernini’s Borghese Sculptures: Another View”.
SKIM: Hibbard, “The Prodigy”

'Sculpture and Movement' Assignment

Reading: “Italian Villas and their Gardens” by Edith Wharton (Smiles, 195-201)

Saturday, September 17
  Day trip to Florence
Bus leaves from the Ponte Sisto pick up location at 7:00am. We will eat, shop and see the sites! We will then meet the bus at 3:00 p.m. and return to Rome.

OPTION: students return on own.

Evening Events in Rome: Enjoy la notte bianca tonight! Rome is keeping the lights on all night long - museums, shops, sites, will be open late ...! See the attached website for more details.
La Notte Bianca : description of the activites
Sunday, September 18
  No Classes
Free Day!
Sleep in after la notte bianca or just stay up and join Lisa at the Porta Portese flea market, 7:30 a.m.
Week Five 5 of 5

Monday, September 19
  Art History
4:30 p.m. We will meet at the portone for our 5:30p.m PRIVATE SISTINE CHAPEL visit.
Please dress appropriately.

8:00 p.m. Last Supper at Dino and Tony's!

**Discussion topics: Julius II and Michelangelo; The Ceiling Program; Innovation and form; Restoration revelations.

AH Reading: Barkin, selections from Unearthing the Past: Archaeology and Aesthetics in the Making of Renaissance Culture;
OPTIONAL: Hersey, “The Stanze” and” The Sistine Chapel and The Last Judgement”.

  Late Afternoon
Reading: Poems by Michelangelo (Smiles, 103-111)
Tuesday, September 20
  Art History
9:00 a.m. S. Luigi dei Francesi (JW); S. Maria del Popolo (JV); Piazza Navona.

**Discussion topics: New naturalism and intent: Caravaggio’s public commissions (Contarelli and Cerasi Chapels) (AK); City as Theatre: Bernini’s Four Rivers Fountain and the history of Piazza Navona (NM); Talking statues of Rome: Pasquale (SK).

AH Reading: Period selections on Caravaggio; Friedlander, “Caravaggio’s Character and Religion”;

OPTIONAL: Hibbard, “The Contarelli Chapel” and “The Cerasi Chapel”.

Reading:“The Passion of Artemisia” by Susan Vreeland (Smiles, 129-144)
“Bernini and the Four Rivers” by Simon Schama (Smiles, 145-154)
“My Rome” by Muriel Spark (Smiles, 231-238)

Wednesday, September 21
  Day trip to Tivoli
8:30 a.m. Meet the bus at the usual Ponte Sisto pick up location at 8:30 a.m. We will visit the lovely Villa d'Este in Tivoli and then tour the Benedictine Monastery in Subiaco where we will learn all about olive oil production.

Reading: “Italian Villas and their Gardens” by Edith Wharton (Smiles, 195-201)
Thursday, September 22
  Art History
Last Day of Instruction

10:00 Tour of Altar Projects!

3:00 p.m. Bernini’s St. Teresa; Trevi Fountain; Gelato at San Crispino

AH Reading: Careri, introduction; Pinto,“The Trevi Fountain”.
  Evening Event!
Free day!
Friday, September 23
  Students check out of apartments and depart
Students move out of apartments