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Brenda Oyaro, MBChB

Masters of Public Health

Dr. Brenda Oyaro, MBChB, is a second-year MPH student in the UW Department of Epidemiology with support from the Aga Khan University Fogarty Training Program. Dr. Oyaro was recently a Research Medical Officer at the collaborative University of Nairobi/University of Washington Mombasa Field Site, where she conducted multidisciplinary research projects in Kenya. Her research interests include women’s health, utilizing implementation science principles to strengthen health systems, and improving sexual and reproductive health outcomes, as well as research into the epidemiology of infectious diseases. Dr. Oyaro’s thesis research will involve a mixed methods assessment of individual and clinic level factors associated with the uptake of cervical cancer screening services in family planning clinics in Mombasa County, Kenya. Her primary mentors are Dr. McKenna Eastment (UW), Dr. Scott McClelland (UW), Dr. Christine McGrath (UW), Dr. Marleen Temmerman (AKU), and Dr. Michael Chung (Emory).