Ian Glass, MD, MB ChB

Dr. Glass is the director of Medical Genetics at Seattle Childrens' Hospital and the director of the Alaska Genetics & Birth Defects Program. He is also a Professor of Pediatrics and Medicine at the University of Washington School of Medicine.
Seattle Children's programs provide virtually all of the pediatric genetic services for the states of Washington and Alaska and as needed, serve the entire age spectrum by referral. Dr. Glass is an experienced genetics clinician who besides coordinating and conducting clinical services in multiple sites, undertakes specialized consultative services for neurogenetics, Joubert syndrome and other ciliopathies, skeletal dysplasia and cardiovascular genetics patients. He also conducts research in to the developmental bases of congenital anomalies in his laboratory, which has a long-established role as an important NIH funded nationwide core tissue resource for multiple scientific researchers. Dr. Glass also collaborates on a long standing research effort of the division in a successful project into the molecular bases of Joubert syndrome and related disorders of the cerebellum, now led by another division member. This group has been instrumental in the discovery of several novel Joubert syndrome genes and the developmental biology of these genes as well as improving the accuracy of diagnosis and quality of care for this group of patients.