April 23, 2018

2018 KRTC Retreat!

By Gisella Logioia


The 3rd KRTC Scientific Retreat at the Mnarani Club on January 20th, 2018 was kicked off with a warm welcome from Ruth Nduati and Peter Cherutich, followed by a KRTC Overview presentation by Carey Farquhar.

Some highlights from the event include the Research Priorities and Future Directions discussions, led by Grace John-Stewart and Nelly Mugo, in which facilitators held small and large group discussions to identify key research successes and upcoming important topics of research. These topics included:

  • Basic Science and Research – Walter Jaoko and Julie Overbaugh
  • Cardiovascular Disease and Noncommunicable DiseasesCarey Farquhar and Tecla Temu
  • Reproductive Health and Family Planning – Nelly Mugo and Alison Roxby
  • Pediatric HIV and CoinfectionsSylvia LaCourse and Dalton Wamalwa

Another area of interest was the Education and Training segment, a brief overview of current training opportunities, led by Carey Farquhar and John Kinuthia, followed by small group discussions answering the questions: How are we doing? What is working? What are we missing? in the following areas:

Finally, the day was capped off with Strengthening Partnerships and Supporting the Next Generation of Investigators, a discussion led by Ruth Nduati and Alison Roxby, on how to strengthen and expand KRTC partnerships, and how to better support current and future investigators.


Thank you to everyone whose hard work made this event such a wonderful success!