Toni Morrison turned to the Seattle Civil Rights and Labor History Project when researching her latest novel, Home, about a Korean War veteran who spends time in a Seattle hospital then returns to his native Georgia. Since 2010, the Civil Rights and Labor History Consortium has logged nearly 14 million page views. Below are some of the articles, reviews, radio, and TV programs about the projects.
• "UW Project Explores Great Depression's Impact on State," by Sanjay Bhatt. Seattle Times, February 20, 2010.
• "The Great Depression in Washington State: Lessons and the Current Recession" KUOW Radio, February 18, 2010. (Listen to the one hour interview program with James Gregory, Mark Jenkins, Monique Robinson, Trevor Marsten)
• "Delving in the Depression" by Gracie Ingermanson. The Daily, February 5, 2010
• "UW Students Recreate Story of Great Depression that Transformed Washington" by Joel Schwarz. University Week, February 4, 2010
• "The Great Depression-On the Web, On the Stage" A&S Perspectives, University of Washington
• "Taking Clues from the Past" Interview with James Gregory, by Shannan Lenke Stoll, Real Change News, May 14, 2009
On March 15, 2006, Governor Christine Gregoire signed into law Senate Bill 6169, which makes it easier for neighborhoods governed by homeowners associations to rid themselves of racial restrictions that are still in their bi-laws. State Senator. Jeanne Kohl-Welles, D-Seattle, introduced the measure after this project focused attention on the lingering effects of these covenants. First the Seattle Times picked up the story:
"Homeowners find records still hold blot of racism"
by Lornet Turnbull (Seattle Times, June 3, 2005)
The newspaper then published an editorial asking the state legislature to "authorize the courts to expunge racial covenants from all properties covered by homeowner associations."
"An ugly stain of racism exposed" editorial (Seattle Times, June 6, 2005)
Here is a follow-up article about the project and the new law:
"Stain of Racism Still Haunts Seattle Neighborhoods"
by James Gregory (Seattle Times, April 6, 2006)
Other news articles:
"Was your Seattle Neighborhood Racist?"
by Vanessa Ho (Seattle PI, May 17, 2014)
"Seattle's Ugly Past: Segregation in Our Neighborhoods"
by Knute Berger (Seattle Magazine, March 2013)
"Toni Morrison Talks with Google about Creativity"
by Hillel Italie (Associated Press, February 27, 2013)
"Racism Shadows Property Covenants"
by Greg Latshaw (USA Today, August 3, 2010)
"UW Project Sheds Light on Klan as Force in the State"
by Lornet Turnbull (Seattle Times, November 13, 2008)
"Web Site Exposes Previously Undocumented KKK Activity in Washington"
by Joel Schwarz (University Week, November 13, 2008)
"Seattle Takes Steps to Recognize Minorities’ Role in Shaping Region"
by William Yardley (New York Times, Feb.6 2008)
"Professor's Civil Rights Project Exposes Seattle's Segregationist Past"
by Siv Prince (The Daily, February 14, 2007)
"Remember Seattle's Segregated History "
by James Gregory (Seattle PI, December 12, 2006)
"The Story of Seattle's Black Panther Party"
by Cara Soloman (Seattle Times, May 21, 2006)
"History of the Panthers Comes Alive in Classrooms, Meetings, Website"
by Joel Schwarz, ( May 16, 2006)
"New Web site shows Seattle's civil rights history"
by Nancy Wick (University Week, April 7, 2005)
Academic articles:
"Rethinking Race and Place: The Seattle Civil Rights and Labor History Project,"
by Trevor Griffey (OAH Magazine of History, January 2012)
“A City Learns its Civil Rights History while a University Learns New Ways to Engage Students,”
by James N. Gregory and Trevor Griffey (Diversity & Democracy, Spring 2008)
“Teaching a City about its Civil Rights History: A Public History Success Story”
by James N. Gregory and Trevor Griffey (American Historical Association Perspectives, April 2007)
"Seattle Civil Rights & Labor History Project: An Online Video Oral History Collection"
by James N. Gregory and Trevor Griffey (Northwest Oral History Association Newsletter, Spring 2007)
"News from Abroad-USA"
by James N. Gregory and Trevor Griffey (Oral History, Spring 2007)
Television programs:
"Segregated Seattle: From Redlining to Gentrification" Seattle Channel: a talk and panel discussion at the Museum of History and Industry, March 13, 2018
"Seattle's segregated history laid out in property deeds" Alan Schauffler, KING 5 News, April 8, 2009
"The History of Segregation in Seattle," Seattle Channel: a lecture by James Gregory, Seattle City Hall, November 8, 2006, Sponsored by the City of Seattle Department of Executive Administration Race and Social Justice Change Team. The Seattle Channel broadcasts this talk periodically. Click here for the schedule or follow this link to watch the video now:
Radio programs :
"Read The Fine Print: Your Home May Have A Hidden Racist Past" KUOW interview with James Gregory by Ross Reynolds, May 21, 2014.
"The War on Poverty Helped Shape Seattle Activism" KUOW interview with Trevor Griffey by Ross Reynolds, January 9, 2014.
"This American Life: Seattle's Segregated Past" KUOW interview with James Gregory by Jamala Henderson, April 10, 2010.
"Hidden in Old Home Deeds, a Segregationist Past" by Julie Rose, Weekend Edition Sunday, National Public Radio, February 7, 2010.
"The History of the KKK in Washington State" KBCS interview with Trevor Griffey, March 12, 2009.
"Seattle Civil Rights History" KUOW hour long program broadcast January 2, 2007. Trevor Griffey and James Gregory interviewed by "Weekday" host Steve Scher with calls from listerners.
Reports and reviews:
Journal of American History (March 2009) review by Peter Cole
History News Network (August 8, 2007)
History Matters (November 22, 2006)
The Scout Report, Internet Scout Project (December 1, 2006)
Humanities, Arts, Sciences, Technology, Advanced Collaboratory (April 4, 2006)
Intute: Social Sciences (December 4, 2006)
National Council on Public History, News and Notes (December 2006- January 2007)
Mapping American Social Movements online, radio interview with James Gregory, Union City Radio Labor Day Special, WPFW 89.3 (Washington DC), September 2, 2019
When Socialists Won Elections (and Where), by James Gregory, LaborOnline, May 5, 2016; republished History News Network, May 5, 2016
Maps Track the Spread of US Social Movements, by Peter Kelley, Futurity (December 16, 2015)
History Meets Geography: James Gregory's Collaborative Digital Project Tracks Key 20th Century Social Movements, by Peter Kelley, UW today (December 15, 2015)
Mapping American Radicalism with Historian James Gregory (Video), by Jonathan Hiskes, Simpson Center for Humanities website (July 31, 2015)
Mapping the IWW, by James Gregory, LaborOnline (November 7, 2015)
UW professor and undergraduates research radical labor union by Katie Anastas, The Daily (May 21, 2015)
"Students' Research Forms the Basis of a Web Site on Labor Journalism"
by Brock Read, Chronicle of Higher Education (June 14, 2002)
"90th Anniversary of the Seattle General Strike," KUOW interview with James Gregory by Ross Reynolds (February 6, 2009)
“Does the ‘Soviet of Washington’ deserve its lefty reputation” KUOW interview with James Gregory by Ross Reynolds (April 20,2016)
"The New Labor History, the New Media, and New Challenges"
by Thomas Dublin, LABOR: Studies in Working-Class History of the Americas (Summer 2010), 83-96