Winston Ciridon
Research Technologist
Department of Bioengineering
Room 313 Benson Hall
University of Washington
Box 351750
Seattle, WA 98195-1750
Tel: (206) 543-6419
Fax: (206) 543-3778
Winston Ciridon has been research technologist at NESAC/BIO since its inception in 1983 and for the University of Washington Engineered Biomaterials group (UWEB) since 1996. He manages wet chemistry labs for both groups. He has considerable experience in the areas of sample preparation, characterization, and purification, and is responsible for the preparation of thin films and polymer specimens for analysis. Preparation of acceptable specimens for surface analysis demands exceptionally high standards of cleanliness and care. Winston has considerable experience in such laboratory manipulations and provides sample preparation support to NESAC/BIO researchers and visiting users, and has trained several generations of graduate students in these techniques.