Conference Posters

  1. Yifei Guan, Ravi Shankar Vaddi, Alberto Aliseda, Igor V Novosselov, Experimental, Numerical and Analytical Investigation of Electro-hydrodynamic Flow in Point-to-Ring Corona Discharge,APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting 2018, Atlanta,GA November 18-20th 2018 [PDF]
  2. Patrick Fillingham, Kalyan Kottapalli, Igor V Novosselov, Aerodynamic Resuspension and Collection of Particulate Trace Residues for Chemical Analysis, 2017 Chemical and Biological Defense Science and Technology Conference, Long Beach, CA, Nov 28-30,2017
  3. Kartik Tiwari, Justin Davis, Igor V Novosselov, Growth Mechanism of Soot in Recirculating Hydrocarbon Flames, 36th Annual Conference American Association for Aerosol Research, Raleigh, NC, Oct 16-20, 2017 [PDF]
  4. R. Shane Addleman, Wilaiwan Chouyyok, Robert G. Ewing, David Atkinson, Shari Li,Kalyan Kottapalli, and Igor Novosselov, Advanced Materials to Improve Noncontact Trace Explosive Detection, International Symposium on the Analysis and Detection of Explosives, Oxford, U.K. 17-21 September 2017
  5. Justin Davis, Kartik Tiwari, Igor Novosselov, Growth Mechanism for Soot Primary Particles in Recirculating Hydrocarbon Flames, 21st ETH-Conference on Combustion Generated Nanoparticles, June 19th to 22nd 2017, Zürich, Switzerland [PDF]
  6. Tomas Njalsson, Emily Roach, Igor Novosselov, Design and Optimization of a Compact Low-Cost Optical Particle Sizer, 35th Annual Conference American Association for Aerosol Research, Portland, OR, Oct 17-21, 2016
  7. Gaurav Mahumuni, Igor Novosselov, Design and Collection Efficiency of a New Electrostatic Capillary Collector for Fine and Ultrafine Particulate Matter, 35th Annual Conference American Association for Aerosol Research, Portland, OR, Oct 17-21, 2016 [PDF]
  8. Jay Rutherford, Byron Ockerman, Charles Coredor, Igor Novosselov, Jonathan Posner, Miniature Electrostatic Precipitator for Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry Aerosol Analysis, 35th Annual Conference American Association for Aerosol Research, Portland, OR, Oct 17-21, 2016 [PDF]
  9. Ravi Vaddi, Igor Novosselov, Application of Combined Particle Charging Mechanism in Computational Fluid Dynamics, 35th Annual Conference American Association for Aerosol Research, Portland, OR, Oct 17-21, 2016
  10. He Jiayang, Makhsous Sep, Igor Novosselov, Design and Evaluation of Micro‐Well Collector for Personal Aerosol Exposure  Monitor. 35th Annual Conference American Association for Aerosol Research, Portland, OR, Oct 17-21, 2016 [PDF]
  11. Justin Davis, Igor Novosselov, Effect of Fuel Composition on Monomer Size in an Inverted Hydrocarbon Flame: developing ultrafine PM test material, 35th Annual Conference American Association for Aerosol Research, Portland, OR, Oct 17-21, 2016
  12. Fagnant CS, Toles M, Ockerman B, Guan Y1, Shirai JH, Zhou NA, Novosselov I, Meschke JS, Development of an Elution Device for Virocap Virus Filters, 5th International Society of Food and Environmental Virology Conference, September 13-16, 2016
  13. Stefan Bjornsson, Riley Gorder, Philip Malte, Igor Novosselov, Advanced Control Methodology for Biomass Combustion, Northwest Wood-Based Biofuels + Co-Products Conference, Seattle WA, April 27-29, 2014
  14. Igor Novosselov, Riley Gorder, Towards Real-time Trace Explosives Detection: Trapped Vortex Collector, 7th Annual Trace Explosives Detection Workshop, Charlottesville, VA, April 7 – 11, 2014
  15. Peter Ariessohn, Ryan Keedy1, Evan Dengler, Igor Novosselov, Model for Aerodynamic Removal of Particles from Surfaces and Application to Trace Explosive Particle Sampling, 5th Annual Trace Explosives Detection Workshop, Boston, MA April 2012
  16. Novosselov IV , Ariessohn P, Bio-aerosol Sampling and Collection into a Small Liquid Volume, Fifth National Bio-Threat Conference, Denver, 2012
  17. Novosselov IV, Hickner MK, Ariessohn PC, Dengler ED, Beck NK, Meschke JS, Bio-aerosol Sampler/Collector: Numerical and Experimental Study, 30th Annual Conference American Association for Aerosol Research, Orlando, FL Oct 3-7, 2011
  18. Novosselov IV, Beck NK, Ariessohn PC, Kychakoff G, Sly A, Yost MY, Meschke JS, Concentration & Capture of Airborne Microorganisms Using a Novel Aerodynamic Lens, 107th meeting American Society for Microbiology Toronto, Ontario, Canada, May 21-25, 2007