ASPO Otobase


Saved Searches and Sequential Searches can be created, edited and deleted using this preference item. Checklists can also be created and edited hereCreating Checklists. Saved Searches and Sequential Searches opened here can be saved to your computer or reloaded by selecting the File > Load from Disk or File > Save to Disk menu items attached to the Saved Search or Sequential Search forms (see Saving and loading Saved Exports outside Otobase).

Opening the Saved Searches sublist will reveal all available tables. Clicking on a table name will enable the New Saved Search button for creating a Saved Search, which will belong to the selected master table. Table names with plus signs (Windows) or arrows (Mac) have a sublist of any existing Saved Searches for that table.

Related topics
Editing a Saved Search
Creating Sequential Searches
Creating Checklists
Using an assigned Checklist
Using an assigned Checklist
Master Checklist for data entry
Assigning Checklists to multiple users

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