ASPO Otobase

Exporting study tools

The study coordinator can export the Clinical Group Checklist, Search and Export using a single menu item. Otobase creates a special TRANSFER-type document with a file extension of OT3, which bundles all three items into one file and encrypts them using the coordinator's private key if data encryption has been set up for the trial. Participants who have received the public key from the coordinator and entered it on the third tab of the Clinical Group form may then import the Checklist, Search and Export definitions into their version of the database using the Import Study Tools item. The imported definitions will be automatically attached to the Clinical Group record. For more information, see the Otobase Clinical Trials manual.

To export the bundled Clinical Group Checklist, Search and Export
  1. Make sure you have created all three items; the buttons on your Clinical Group record for this study should all be italicized. Also make sure you have saved the Clinical Group record.
  2. On the Clinical Group menu bar, click Clinical Group > Export Study Tools.
    A Save As dialog appears, allowing you to browse to a location on your computer to save the OT3 file.
  3. Choose a name for the file, and click Save.
    The file is now ready for sharing with trial participants.
Related topics
Creating Sequential Searches
Creating Checklists
Creating Grouped Exports

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