Alliance for Pandemic Preparedness

April 13, 2020

Protecting Labor and Delivery Personnel from COVID-19 during the Second Stage of Labor



  • Although the second stage of labor has previously not been considered an aerosol generating procedure (AGP), persons in labor exert extreme effort during the process and frequently blow out their breath, cough, shout, and vomit, all of which put the health care team at risk of COVID-19.  Palatnik and McIntosh recommend that labor and delivery personnel exhibit the utmost caution and be provided with full PPE including N95 during this stage of labor. It is critical to ensure the adequate protection for health care workers and to prevent spread to other health care workers and patients.

Palatnik and McIntosh. (April 10, 2020). Protecting Labor and Delivery Personnel from COVID-19 during the Second Stage of Labor. Am J Perinatol.